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Spring and psychedelics: the season of rebirth
In this blog item
In this blog item The seasons and spiritual growthThe psychedelic spring in societyLegalization of psychedelics and a new beginningThe power of psychedelicsPsilocybin and DMT as medicine and keys to a new startSpring equinox 2021A Spring Cleaning and Tripping with Magic Truffles

Spring and psychedelics: the season of rebirth

Can you feel it in your fingertips and at the tip of your nose? Spring is dancing around us again and we rejoice! The orchestra of birds, the budding colors of flowers and the fresh smell of a new start. In this blog, I dive deeper into the spiritual meaning of spring and why it is important for us to stay connected to the seasons. Also, we are in a spiritual spring. Are we as a society ready for the legalization of psychedelics?

The seasons and spiritual growth

If you regularly pop into a smartshop or roam around on the website of Sirius, chances are pretty good that you are interested in spiritual growth. Smartshops not only sell psychoactive herbs and psychedelic substances with which you can broaden your spiritual horizon, they also have the task of spreading knowledge and offering information about respectful and safe use of these substances.

Psychedelics, entheogens, spiritual medicines, psychoactive herbs... man has been in contact with them since the beginning of time. Many cultures find their anchors here. Even the great institutions like Christianity are intimately connected with these plant medicines. 

The psychedelic spring in society

There is some talk of a psychedelic spring these days when it comes to the way the world seems to be dealing with substances like cannabis, Magic Mushrooms and more. In the US, cannabis is being legalized in several states. New research with psychedelic substances is taking place and more and more value is being placed on its therapeutic potential for the treatment of depression, among other things. 

The governments and authorities that are concerned about this so-called psychedelic wave are right when they say that this will change society as we knew it forever. A kind of rebirth is taking place and it cannot be reversed. We can only go along with this new energy and open ourselves to the next chapter.

Also interesting: "The rise, fall and rise again of psychedelics."

A fresh wind is blowing through our view of these resources. Yet, of course, there is hard resistance from many quarters, trying to hold back this change as much as possible. People are afraid of innovation. It is safe to hold on to the old and familiar. However, it can no longer be denied that the use of psychedelic substances, especially when compared to legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco, is safe. 

The hysteria surrounding psychedelics is unfounded. About 88,000 people die each year in the U.S. from alcohol-related incidents. By comparison, annual deaths caused by cannabis stand at zero. 

Are we as a society ready to legalize Magic Mushrooms, MDMA, ayahuasca, LSD?

Legalization of psychedelics and a new beginning

Conservatives and institutions that want to hold on to the old understand all too well where the "danger" of psychedelics lies. Not in the threat to the general health of the people, but in the power of spiritual self-development. Taking a psychedelic can thoroughly 'cleanse' a person of ingrained beliefs, (un)truths and habits. As a society, this could mean that people no longer follow each other around like sheep, but start to question things. In the 'worst' case scenario, there would be a revolution, whereby all kinds of pillars of our current world would be toppled. 

The power of psychedelics

Psychedelics have the power to expand our minds and increase our sensitivity to the entheogenic, the divine. It gives us an opening to another dimension, as it were, in which we can become aware of the unprecedented magic of life. Not for nothing are psychedelic substances considered sacred in many cultures and ancient traditions. In many South American rituals and ceremonies, people venerate substances such as DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and psilocybin, because they are keys to self-development, peace with life and death, wisdom and beauty. 

Also interesting: "Can psychedelics help manifest my dreams?"

Within a society based on a set of rock-solid "truths," psychedelics are not welcome visitors. These substances reveal the castles in the air we find ourselves in, the competitions and 'rat races' we willingly participate in, the nonsense of many 'good habits' that in reality are destroying our planet and with it our existence.

Psilocybin and DMT as medicine and keys to a new start

You have been at a point in your life where you felt like you were not moving forward. Perhaps you felt like giving up everything, resigning yourself to your fate and not wasting any more energy on a futile struggle. 

For me, resources like Magic Mushrooms are keys to new hope, an understanding in which I can grow as a person and let go of old patterns. And trust in the beauty of life, which reaches so much further than what 'society' often leads us to believe. 

Freshbox truffles

Spring equinox 2021

When I look around me, I see a lot of people with renewed energy making their dreams come true. Spring has just begun and has left behind the heaviness and stillness of winter. 

This month, on March 20, the spring equinox took place, the moment when the northern hemisphere welcomes spring. The word "equinox" is derived from Latin and comes from "aecuus" (equal) and "nox" (night). Day and night are balanced at that time with equal parts light and dark. Since the winter solstice on December 31, the days have been getting a little longer. 

From the spring equinox, the days get longer and longer and the energy of the new year begins to flow more and more. A time to get back to work on your dreams and bring the cheerfulness and lightness into life!

The other day I spoke with a shaman and she told me that for her the spring equinox is the real beginning of the new year. January, the time when everything is still dark and in hibernation, is a moment of rest. For her, the new year heralds the moment when motivation and the light of life begin to flow in full again. The best time also to make plans for the new year and start projects. Your imagination and confidence in yourself can grow during this time, allowing you to make a successful start to what you want to achieve. 

During the cold and darkness of winter, it is time to turn inward. You dwell for a time in your deepest caverns, where it can be tough and difficult at times. It is also a period of rest, when you are not outwardly focused and pay less attention to the external. 

The spring season once again offers space to connect with others, with the outside world, and to enjoy all that nature has to offer.

A Spring Cleaning and Tripping with Magic Truffles

This past winter I turned deep within. I found peace and quiet within myself and actually needed very few "external" impulses to bring me to my deepest source. It was nice and healing to listen to my inner voice. Paying attention to my breathing was sometimes enough to heal myself.

The spring fever and the nice weather make me look forward to a trip with Magic Truffles. For me the psychedelic experience is a way to get back to the basics of everything and feel the love and gratitude for all that is alive. 

Do you have experience with psychedelics or will you be tripping with Magic Truffles for the first time in your life this spring? Sirius customer service is here to answer all your questions, so you can best prepare for your trip and surrender to this unique experience.

Blog photo: Vincent van Gogh - Green Field

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