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20-04-2023 8 minutes Blog smart products How to make Kratom Tea + Maeng Da Trip Report The blog about Kratom I've written recently was about its effects. Now I want to elaborate on different ways to consume this smartdrug, like krato [..] 19-04-2023 8 minutes Blog smart products What are the Effects of Kratom and how does it work? Effects from kratom, what can you expect? If you have ever visited the online smartshop or been to one of our smartshops in person, then you [..] 17-02-2023 8 minutes Blog smart products Best natural Antidepressants Without Side Effects Since the beginning of time, humans have used the healing power of nature to treat depression. Help with depression can be done with natural antidepre [..] 10-01-2023 7 minutes Blog smart products Into the New Year with these Natural Smartdrugs for Energy & Euphoria New Year has passed: this meant good intentions, fireworks and lots of alcohol to forget it all again... just kidding! Maybe you have experienced a ve [..] 04-10-2022 9 minutes Blog smart products My Favorite Open Up Products – Natural Substances for a variety of usages If you ever looked through our smartshop assortment, you probably noticed that we offer a lot of products form the brand ‘Open Up’. Open U [..] 07-09-2022 9 minutes Blog smart products Caffeine and other natural nootropics: have you tried these smartdrugs yet? Caffeine is the smartdrug of choice for most of us. Your first sip of coffee in the morning and the day can start off right. Full of energy, or m [..] 09-07-2022 8 minutes Blog smart products Energy capsules: smartshop products against fatigue Whether you have a long day at work ahead of you, make a long drive or go hiking in the Pyrenees, for all these activities you need a lot of energy. S [..] 24-04-2022 7 minutes Blog smart products What is Blue Lotus? Questions about this psychoactive flower answered Blue lotus is a beautiful flower with psychoactive properties and interesting effects. Blue lotus is also called Egyptian water lily or Nymphaea caeru [..] 08-03-2022 5 minutes Blog smart products Introduction to the Pharmaceutics of Psychedelics – Scientific Information for interested Psychonauts – Part 1 To achieve a full understanding of psychedelics and drugs, one can not only pop pills and go on trips; no, you also have to gain some knowledge in bas [..] 12-01-2022 8 minutes Blog smart products Suffering from a hangover? These products from the smartshop work best In the aftermath of New Year, it is quite common for party people to suffer from a terrible hangover. What is the best thing to do against a hangover? [..] 24-12-2021 9 minutes Blog smart products Buying Christmas gift : psychedelic ideas for your stoner friend or dear psychonaut Christmas, of course, is more than giving Christmas gifts to your loved ones. Traditionally, this is a time of joy during the dark winter period. It i [..] 22-10-2021 8 minutes Blog smart products Smartdrug for students? Read all about scientific research on brain elixir hydrocotyle I take you into the world of Asiatic pennywort, or hydrocotyle. This little plant is currently being researched by scientists and is proving promising [..] 12-10-2021 9 minutes Blog smart products Q&A Sirius smartshop Maastricht and Roermond For over 25 years Sirius has been the place to buy legal magic truffles, mushroom grow kits, cannabis seeds, CBD oil and much more. Do you like to exp [..] 23-09-2021 8 minutes Blog smart products Are you going to your favorite party this year? Get your Sirius essentials now. How have you experienced the past lock-downs? Did you turn into a hermit, hidden from the rest of the outside world? Or did you attend various online [..] 20-07-2021 8 minutes Blog smart products Want to learn how to use kratom? Here are 6 recipes for inspiration Do you already know about kratom? Most Sirius customers who hear about this powerful product for the first time have no idea something like this exist [..]
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