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27-11-2022 8 minutes Blog psychoactive plants Shamanic medicine: All about differences between a cigarette and Rapé More and more normal we are beginning to find shamanic rituals. In the West, more and more people are being introduced to the magical world of shamani [..] 29-09-2022 8 minutes Blog psychoactive plants All about cocoa: psychoactive stimulant and alternative to mdma We dive into the magical world of cocoa and learn all about this psychoactive stimulant. Most people regularly eat chocolate - cocoa or otherwise. Cur [..] 25-09-2022 8 minutes Blog psychoactive plants Effects of Syrian Rue: interesting psychedelic trip drug and MAO inhibitor Some smartshop products, such as magic truffles and magic mushroom grow kits, are flying over the counter like hotcakes. Other psychoactive substances [..] 23-08-2022 8 minutes Blog psychoactive plants What is the effect of Kanna and is it a suitable party drug? Kanna, have you ever heard of it? We at Sirius certainly know this special plant. The smartshop product kanna has been sold in our smartshop for many [..] 05-04-2022 8 minutes Blog psychoactive plants Do natural sedatives like Valerian and CBD help you relax better? Are you suffering from stress? There are several ways to use natural herbs to experience a calm state where you can unwind. It is very healthy for you [..] 10-03-2022 7 minutes Blog psychoactive plants Introduction to the Pharmaceutics of Psychedelics – Scientific Information for interested Psychonauts – Part 2 In my last blog, I gave an introduction to the science of pharmacology, neurotransmitters, and the way drugs work. Let’s finally talk about what [..] 18-01-2022 8 minutes Blog psychoactive plants LSA vs. LSD: what are the differences in psychedelic trip? Have you ever tripped on the LSD? The effects of LSD are similar to those of LSA, but what exactly the differences are I will explain to you in this b [..] 01-02-2021 8 minutes Blog psychoactive plants Valentine's Day: celebrate Love with Sirius Wonderful, love! And exhausting. Especially in the beginning. Your life is completely turned upside down and everything is different. You experience e [..] 20-11-2020 7 minutes Blog psychoactive plants Absinthe: Looking for the Green Fairy Unless you've already heard about it, you're probably wondering what the Green Fairy is. Many artists (such as Degas, Picasso, Van Gogh, Rimba [..] 25-08-2020 8 minutes Blog psychoactive plants Trip Report: Lively dreaming with Calea zacatechichi Dreamherb, or Calea zacatechichi, is a plant used by Aztec shamans from Mexico to help them navigate the dream world. This plant has only recently cau [..] 04-08-2020 9 minutes Blog psychoactive plants The Jurema Mystery ‘Jurema’ back in Brazil is a word full of meanings. From beverage to practice to entity, ‘jurema’ seems to be a word that perm [..] 21-07-2020 7 minutes Blog psychoactive plants Catuaba: lost in translation J.B., who was already 60 and over, lived in a village in the far regions of Brazil. He was married to a strong woman and the two were known for their [..] 15-07-2020 10 minutes Blog psychoactive plants Lessons from guarana and the Sateré-Mawé The guarana myth Before things were as they now are, there were three siblings: Ocumáató, Icuamã and Onhiámuá&cc [..] 23-06-2020 8 minutes Blog psychoactive plants Yerba Mate recipes With its origins in the Tupi-Guarani culture, Yerba Mate is probably one of the most important beverages in the countries where the Tupi-Guarani influ [..] 23-06-2020 8 minutes Blog psychoactive plants The Yerba mate circle of friendship One of the (many) things that I miss the most about Brazil are the never-ending afternoons on the streets around a big bucket of water and a circle of [..]
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