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Organic Cannabis Growing
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Organic Cannabis Growing

How do you get as much yield as possible in the shortest possible time? This question has often been asked and has produced all kinds of new methods to exhaust and poison the earth as quickly as possible. Fortunately, more and more people realize this is not sustainable, hopefully including yourself. The mindset 'as much and as quick as possible' is now shifting more and more because we realise planet earth is not an inexhaustible source. She's succumbing under the demand of  'more, more, more'.  

Why grow organic weed?

It's safe to say that you'll get much more back from an organic grown crop. The plant and soil will thank you, just like your own body. The therapeutic and medicinal properties of the cannabis plant can only really do their work if it's free of pesticides and toxins. This applies to all kinds of branches in agriculture and cultivation, including the cultivation of cannabis. Pumping your cannabis plants full of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is not a good idea, more and more cannabis lovers start to understand this. The range of organic nutrition for your plants is growing more and more, along with knowledge that is spreading. The internet is a source of information for cultivating your own cannabis plants biologically.

At you will also find a range of reading material, grow guides with beautiful photos and clear advice. Also nice as a gift for your loving cannabis friend(s). 



Everything is connected, the planet is one big organism and we are a part of it. Nature and we ourselves are interconnected and this means that when we make nature sick, we make ourselves sick. The destruction of an ecosystem that has been so delicately constructed is out of date and has disastrous consequences. The taste and aromas of your cannabis plants are much better expressed when they are given the opportunity to 'thrive as nature intended', and not be denied their natural needs. A plant is a living being that feels best in a clean environment with fresh air, healthy food and natural insect and disease control. You create an optimal living environment for your plant by optimising the growing conditions without having to take an unnatural approach and start using harmful substances with all the consequences that entails. Even though they are minuscule, they play a crucial role in an optimal growing environment for your (cannabis) plants: micro-organisms! These bacteria and fungi have a lot to offer the plant and in return can benefit from the living environment of the plant itself and from the sugars that the roots give off. This is called symbiosis, in which two organisms help each other, as it were, and can live in harmony with each other and reap the rewards of this. These microscopically small organisms can help your plants to better absorb food, protect against diseases and natural enemies, and remove harmful substances. It is therefore very important to realise that the soil in which your plants thrive is not only a source of food for your plant, but also a universe of all kinds of micro-organisms that work with the plant that is invisible to the naked eye.


Mycorrhiza, fungi that live at the roots, strengthen the plant and protect it against all kinds of different soil diseases. Mycorrhiza is essential for cultivating healthy cannabis plants. They ensure that the plant is better protected against toxins, extreme pH and temperature fluctuations and it is more resistant to frost, cold and too much salt. Soil diseases can weaken your cannabis plant and this happens invisibly, in the soil. To make sure that these positive soil fungi can do their job properly, you can help the earth with BAC Funky Fungi. This composition of 4 different types of mycorrhiza ensures that these positive fungi can attach themselves to the roots of your cannabis plant and thus protect and stimulate root growth like a small army. 

Full circle

Cannabis has been used for centuries as a medicine for all kinds of physical complaints. As a therapeutic tool it can offer relief with pain and discomfort. Through more recent innovations it is now possible to make the most of the active substances from the plant. Apart from THC, there are many other interesting cannabinoids that can support the body in case of physical complaints. A vaporizer makes it possible to absorb these active ingredients, without having to inhale toxic smoke. By keeping your cannabis plant 'clean' and growing it naturally, you will get a completely different product than the fully sprayed weed, which has all kinds of adverse effects. The poison that is incorporated in a plant and you then inhale, ends up in your body and this affects your high, plus all kinds of long-term complications.
It starts with the seed and ends with the high and the way a cannabis plant is grown has a huge impact on your experience.


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