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25-03-2024 15 minutes Blog organic cannabis growing Cannabis cultivation in Germany: A beginner's guide Welcome to our guide on growing cannabis in Germany for beginners! The cultivation of cannabis in the Federal Republic of Germany has been introduced [..] 08-01-2024 8 minutes Blog organic cannabis growing Growing weed indoors with proper ventilation In order to get the best yields from your grow tent, you need a good ventilation system. Fresh air must be sucked in and old air must be removed witho [..] 09-05-2023 9 minutes Blog organic cannabis growing Cropping and Lollipopping: Various Cannabis GrowingTechniques Cannabis growing techniques are a must when growing your own organic cannabis. We at Sirius are big supporters of growing organic cannabis if it [..] 01-11-2022 7 minutes Blog organic cannabis growing How do you store Buds and other Cannabis Products? I love tasty cannabis. Nothing joys me more than a perfectly aromatic flower of cannabis. Perhaps this is more important to me than how high I get fro [..] 24-08-2022 10 minutes Blog organic cannabis growing Super Sativa Seed Club: Best Cannabis Seeds? Discover Strain Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel The Super Sativa Seed club, one of the first seed banks in the world. As a child of the 70's I can still remember the seed catalog. Not that I und [..] 18-07-2022 9 minutes Blog organic cannabis growing Cannabis: Indoor Grow Report - RQS Northern Lights Automatic In the Netherlands, it isn’t possible to grow outdoor-weed in any season expect the middle of summer. Thanks to the Sirius Growshop, I am the pr [..] 18-06-2022 8 minutes Blog organic cannabis growing Growing two rounds of autoflowers in one summer If due to circumstances you are a little late or maybe you are just starting to get interested in growing a cannabis plant, then an autoflowering cann [..] 17-03-2022 8 minutes Blog organic cannabis growing What are the best Sativa and Indica cannabis strains to grow this spring 2022? Time to write a blog about the very best cannabis strains to grow this spring of 2022. Buy cannabis seeds and grow the best quality weed for the entir [..] 18-02-2022 11 minutes Blog organic cannabis growing Indoor cannabis growing with Sirius: one more time We will have to wait a little longer for the outdoor growing season. Outside it is still cold and the activities in this time can therefore be counted [..] 30-09-2021 7 minutes Blog organic cannabis growing Harvesting your home-grown cannabis When will you harvest? That's what every grower is concerned with. When the seed germinates you are already looking forward to the harvest. If you [..] 18-08-2021 9 minutes Blog organic cannabis growing Tips for better outdoor growing Our Dutch climate sometimes leaves much to be desired. Especially in the autumn it can be rainy and wet in our country. For most photosensitive strain [..] 06-08-2021 9 minutes Blog organic cannabis growing Time to grow a CBD strain! CBD cannabis or CBD weed, you've probably heard of it. Cannabis strains with a high CBD content, with or without a high or low THC content. T [..] 14-07-2021 7 minutes Blog organic cannabis growing Everything you need to know about bud boosters August is approaching. The month in which outdoor-grown cannabis will enter the flowering phase. In our climate the sooner the better. August is also [..] 19-05-2021 7 minutes Blog organic cannabis growing Is your garden ready for summer yet? It's May and the outdoor growing season has begun. For me, it is always a great privilege to grow my own cannabis. In my opinion, nothing can beat [..] 17-03-2021 9 minutes Blog organic cannabis growing Find the right grow tent, lights and pots Are you looking for a grow tent, but not sure which size you should take? And which tent is suitable for which lamp? How many pots? Can [..]
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