Discover the new Freshbox Magic Truffle Strains – Atlantis, Mexicana, Tampanensis, Galindoi
Not long ago, the Sirius magic truffle assortment got expanded by four new additions: Freshbox Atlantis, Freshbox Mexicana, Freshbox Tampanensis, and Freshbox Galindoi. These four strains are by some considered to be the ‘original’ strains, forming the basis from which other strains were or are still created. When Sirius first started selling magic truffles around 2008, we decided to not include such magic truffle strains in our assortment, as we wanted to offer something new and unique.
Over the years, however, we discovered that there are a lot of people wanting to experience the effects of the original magic truffle strains, because it is easier to find information about them in the internet or in smartshops. Therefore, our cultivating team created these four OG strains so that they would be ready to enter our assortment before the start of the new year. This blog is supposed to be an overview of these new strains, so that it is easier for you to decide which you would like to try first.
If you want to discover what makes these strains so special, how they differ from each other, and what you can expect from a trip with each of them, then continue reading!
Disclaimer: This blog is primarily directed towards psychonauts familiar with psychedelics such as magic truffles. If you are new to the topic (for example if you have never tripped on a psychedelic before) but want to learn more, then browse through our encyclopedia our read this blog about how to prepare for a psychedelic trip.
Atlantis – The forbidden fruit
FreshBox Atlantis Truffles are specifically strong in the Hallucinations / Visuals aspects, which is something a lot of psychonauts primarily look for. They can provide powerful trips taking you through lost cities, but also the cosmos itself. It is also indicated that Atlantis Truffles induce a lot of laughing and funny experiences, so they are not so much providing in depth philosophical experiences.
Perfect for a fun night on the couch where you want to experience funny hallucinations but not go on a deep mind trip. They can be used both by experienced psychonauts, or beginner users who do not have many psychedelic experiences. Personally, I already know that this is the freshbox strain I want to try next. As soon as I did, I will write a blog about it, so that you can get a better impression of the effects.
Freshbox Atlantis are genetically related to the Mexicana truffles, which will be described next.
Mexicana – The flesh of the gods
Freshbox Mexicana Truffles can be considered similar to the Atlantis, but a bit more stronger on the auditive hallucinations part and weaker when it comes to body high and energy.
They are said to produce strong, funny visuals and hallucinations, providing a euphoric and colorful trip. Mexicana truffles can take you mentally to a tropical island in no time, while you are physically not leaving your couch. Because of their strength, Mexicana truffles are more recommended for experienced psychonauts than for beginner users, however the latter can still have a nice experience with them as long as they are properly prepared and know what they are dealing with.
Tampanensis – Philosophers Stone
Freshbox Tampanensis truffles are specifically for those psychonauts who want to go on a deep, self-explorative trip through their own consciousness. As the name ‘philosophers’ stone’ suggests, you will experience philosophical thoughts and self-insights after ingesting the Tampanensis truffles. Besides that, they will also induce strong visual and auditory hallucinations. Because of this, they are considered by some to be an allrounder truffle strains that provides many of the experiences people are looking for when taking a psychedelic.
Perfect for experienced users! I would personally recommend beginner users to start of with a different strain that is more strong in one particular effect, because the combination of self-insights, philosophical thoughts and strong hallucinations can be a bit much for someone not that experienced with psychedelics.
Galindoi – The rocket to space
The Freshbox Galindoi Truffles are specicialy strong in terms of body high, energy and visuals. While you will be physically glued to the couch, your mind will take off into new dimensions as if someone attached you to a high-speed rocket (at least this was the experience for me). Perfect for psychonauts wo want to experience a strong mental trip but also like bodily sensations.
I personally found the Tampanensis truffles to be amazing for having deep but also funny conversations. Because of their energy aspect, a friend of mine even tried them in a club and had a very nice experience with a relatively low dose of 7.5 grams (ATTENTION: we generally advice against using any psychedelic in a club or a similar setting, unless you are a highly experienced psychonaut and know exactly what you are doing).
There are already trip reports about experiences with the Galidoi truffles available on our website, so check out our most recent blogs!
Not interested in tripping, but in Microdosing?
Maybe a high dose psychedelic trip is not particularly what you are interested in, but instead you want to utilize the great power of psychedelics to minimally affect your consciousness in a positive, almost medicinal way. If this is the case, then Microdosing truffles might be the right thing for you. Sirius offers a specific magic truffle strain that is suited for the practice of Microdosing: FreshUp Microdosing.
Additionally we offer a special kit based on Paul Stamets Stack formula, including natural supplements that are beneficial for you brain and body, recommended for the combination with microdsing. However, a short paragraph in a blog is not enough to describe all things you need to be aware of before you start to microdose, so I recommend you to read our latest related blog; FAQ about Microdosing.
The classic freshbox strains – Space Shuttles, Dolphins Delight, Golden Teacher, Cosmic Connectors, Purple Rain, White Diamonds, Royal Beluga, Mothers finest
Despite the four magic truffle strains that I just described in this blog, there are of course still the older, ‘classic’ freshbox truffles Space Shuttles, Dolphins Delight, Golden Teacher, Cosmic Connectors, Purple Rain, White Diamonds, Royal Beluga, and Mothers Finest. They have been favorites for many psychonauts for many years now, and there are also a lot of experiences or trip reports available to gain some insights on how these strains may affect your mind.
If you are interested in discovering the classic freshbox truffles then I highly recommend you to read through the blog: “Freshbox Magic Truffles: Which one do you choose?” Besides the names listed in this paragraph, there are even more freshbox strains available in our smartshop, for example Gold and Palladium, or our mystery mixes, for example Mystery Mix Orange. I plan to also write a blog that explains these strains in more detail, so keep checking the Sirius website for new blogs!
If you still have questions about psychedelics, truffles, tripping, or which freshbox strain is the best one for you personally, then don’t hesitate to contact our customer service – we are always happy to help you!
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