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Best natural Antidepressants Without Side Effects
In this blog item
In this blog item Natural antidepressants as an alternative to antidepressants with side effectsPassionflower: natural sedative and mood enhancerKanna for euphoria: natural ProzacMicrodosing Magic Truffles: Antidepressant with small amounts of psilocybinLion's Mane and healthy brain function5-HTP: more serotonin thanks to Griffonia extractDepressed by hard drugs like cocaine and speed? Try these natural mood enhancersL-Tyrosine: replenish your dopamine deficiency Order natural antidepressants without side effects online at the smartshopWhen in doubt about natural antidepressants, consult a doctor

Best natural Antidepressants Without Side Effects

Since the beginning of time, humans have used the healing power of nature to treat depression. Help with depression can be done with natural antidepressants without severe side effects. Nowadays, we have sometimes lost our connection with the earth a bit and turn to synthetic aids and drugs with many side effects. But is this really what works best for us?

In Sirius' smartshop you can find natural alternatives for your mental health. In this blog, I tell all about plants with natural antidepressant effects and why it might be an alternative to prescription antidepressants.

Natural antidepressants as an alternative to antidepressants with side effects

People struggling with depression are often looking for a natural antidepressant medication without side effects. Fortunately, herbal and natural tranquilizers are available.

Did you know that many people who take antidepressants struggle with a variety of side effects? It is common for people with depression to receive antidepressants on doctor's orders. For some, this drug is an attempt to function normally in society. But the side effects of many of these synthetic drugs are often present. Some of these effects of antidepressants include:

  • Nausea
  • No desire for sex
  • Tired
  • Restless
  • Feelings of anxiety

As an alternative to chemical antidepressants, you can also opt for a natural medicine. Medicinal plants can work well against depression. These natural remedies have been used by humans for centuries to treat depression. Natural antidepressants and medicines often have far fewer unpleasant side effects than (highly) synthetic drugs and medicines. Read on and find out which natural antidepressants are available in our online shop.

Passionflower: natural sedative and mood enhancer

Stress often plays a major role in how we feel. A lack of rest and relaxation quickly results in feeling agitated and negative thoughts. Do you feel that you are running past yourself and falling into the pit of despair? A natural tranquilizer such as passionflower can work extremely well for those with a tendency to feel depressed. 


Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) has long had the status of a calming plant. Passion flower is still held in high regard for its calming and stress-reducing properties. 

The beautiful flower is not only pleasing to the eye, its medicinal properties are also loved by botanists and natural pharmacists. 

Kanna for euphoria: natural Prozac

Did you know that kanna is not only a great party drug, but can also be used as a natural mood enhancer? Kanna works like many conventional antidepressants and is therefore sometimes called "natural Prozac. It has a similar mechanism of action as so-called SSRIs. Kanna works in the amount of serotonin in our brain. Science agrees that the neurotransmitter serotonin plays a major role in depression in many cases. Releasing more serotonin into the brain can reduce feelings of depression. 

kanna powder

Note: Do not combine kanna with other antidepressants, or medications that act on serotonin levels. Consider mdma, for example; this drug causes the release of large amounts of serotonin. In combination with kanna, this can be very dangerous. 

Make yourself a relaxing tea of passionflower by simply soaking the dried herb in boiling water for about 10 minutes. 

kanna drug

Microdosing Magic Truffles: Antidepressant with small amounts of psilocybin

Sirius recommends the FreshUp Microdosing Truffles. Microdosing with psilocybin is in the spotlight and is being used for depression, anxiety problems and other mood issues. 

When microdosing with psilocybin to treat your depression, it is very important that you consistently take your microdose according to a certain schedule. It is not a panacea and takes a while to take effect. Subsequently, it can go fast and the results of microdosing with magic truffles are promising in treating depression. Microdosing with psilocybin can work as a natural antidepressant without side effects. 

antidepressant microdosing

Although a studies on treating depression with macro doses of psilocybin show good results, it is still important to emphasize that it may be unwise to treat depression by yourself with large doses of psilocybin. Therefore, we cannot recommend taking large doses of psilocybin to get rid of your depression.

Microdoses of magic truffles are a very safe way to improve your mood, deal with difficult emotions and get to know yourself better. 

Lion's Mane and healthy brain function

Can natural medicine lion's mane work as a natural antidepressant? According to several mycologists and scientists, it certainly can. In fact, the medicinal mushroom protects our brains and makes us less likely to suffer from symptoms of aging, including dementia. Depression is linked to the malfunctioning of the brain. Lion's mane is an alternative to synthetic drugs that try to keep you young. 

lion's mane

Meanwhile, numerous scientific studies are underway on whether there are alternative treatments for depression. For example, this study (in English) shows that lion's mane (in combination with chlorella) can have a positive effect on depressive behavior in mice.

5-HTP: more serotonin thanks to Griffonia extract

Sirius sells convenient capsules containing 5-HTP, the precursor of serotonin. Your body converts 5-HTP into serotonin and in this way your entire system can benefit from this neurotransmitter, also called the "happiness hormone. 

This is all thanks to the plant Griffonia simplicifolia. This shrub grows in parts of West Africa and has the quality of improving a depressed mood. Traditionally, Griffonia is used as a medicine for numerous conditions including as a natural antibiotic, but also as an aphrodisiac.

Griffonia contains the substance 5-HTP, short for 5-hydroxy tryptophan. A substance that is converted in the body into serotonin. A deficiency of this neurotransmitter is associated with depression. 

The regulation of serotonin plays an important role in your sleep rhythms, sense of hunger and thus certainly your mood. So feeling depressed could easily be due to too little serotonin in your system. 

5-HTP is converted in the body first into serotonin, after which it is converted back into melatonin, the hormone that helps regulate sleep. Hence, Griffonia simplicifolia is also called sleeping cap herb. 

Are you suffering from sleep problems, feeling depressed or looking for a way to improve your mood naturally? Try 5-HTP capsules made from a Griffonia extract.

Depressed by hard drugs like cocaine and speed? Try these natural mood enhancers

Too many parties and going out can make you quite depressed. Especially hard drugs like cocaine and speed have a very negative effect on overall mood. Cocaine and amphetamine-like drugs have a strong effect on our dopamine receptors. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter known to be key in motivation and energy, among other things. A lack of dopamine causes feeling depressed, low energy and lethargic. 

L-Tyrosine: replenish your dopamine deficiency 

Are you depressed and you know very well what causes this? If you regularly use cocaine or speed, it is important that you supplement the dopamine deficiency as soon as possible with a smartshop product such as L-Tyrosine

A deficiency of this important substance causes decreased motivation, poor mood and low energy. You may also feel very weak physically and suffer from stiff muscles. 


Dopamine is released during certain actions such as eating, making love, exercising and during certain drugs. Then, large amounts can be released which then cause you to go into a slump. 

Secondly, we at Sirius recommend avoiding synthetic hard drugs such as cocaine as much as possible and choosing natural alternatives! In a Smartshop you can buy all kinds of interesting mind-altering drugs that are legal and have no or very few side effects. Often smart drugs are so smart that they actually give you an extra boost the day after. In other words, no hangover. 

Note: It is important to have your serotonin levels balanced before taking L-tyrosine. As described above, you need to regulate a serotonin imbalance with 5-HTP. Definitely do not combine L-tyrosine with substances such as mdma. This can have neurotoxic effects.

Order natural antidepressants without side effects online at the smartshop

Sirius has a whole range of natural antidepressants and mood enhancers. Quickly dive into our assortment and try new smartshop products to improve your mood, get rid of your hangover or just to experiment with products from nature. For questions, please contact our customer service or drop by one of our physical smartshops in Maastricht or Roermond. Our medicines come from nature and are not synthetically manufactured. 

When in doubt about natural antidepressants, consult a doctor

It is important to emphasize that we are not doctors and you should consult your doctor about important issues. Especially if you have a clinical depression, or any other condition for which you receive medication, it is very important to know first whether you can combine this with our smartshop products. We sell natural antidepressants and can give a lot of advice about this. Hopefully you can also contact your doctor with all your questions about natural antidepressants and he or she can help you as much as possible in figuring out what works best for you.


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