My Experience with CBD Oil: Reducing Anxiety with Cannabidiol
My personal experience with CBD, or cannabidiol. By discovering CBD products, I learned to better cope with fear of failure and was able to relax my body better. Do you suffer from an anxiety disorder or are you easily agitated and anxious? CBD oil may be a natural alternative to treat your condition, as it helped me. Read on to discover my story with CBD.
Expert experience: I used CBD every day to calm down
Stress, anxiety and depressive feelings ... we can't escape them. You would have to have superpowers not to feel anxious from time to time, or feel like you can't handle life.
Sometimes your painful feelings can control your life and you are looking for a way to feel better.
For me personally, CBD oil has a special place in my natural medicine cabinet for when I experience a lot of stress, tension and anxiety.
For a year, I used CBD oil every day.
During my college years, I experienced a lot of anxiety, especially fear of failure. CBD helped me during that time to keep going despite these feelings, and in retrospect, I am incredibly grateful for this medicine.
I also like to stock up on other CBD products, such as CBD skin care products and CBD tea, because they help me live a healthier and more relaxed life.
THC-rich joint smoking vs. CBD oil: does it both help with anxiety?
The cannabis plant has had a reputation among humans for thousands of years for helping with tension and feeling good. For me, too, using THC-rich cannabis quickly became a way to relax and feel less anxious.
Still, I consciously switched from smoking joints, to using CBD oil. Besides CBD, the cannabis plant contains other substances, including THC.
And for my anxiety, it made more sense to leave out the psychoactive part and focus on the calming capabilities of cannabidiol.
When I used cannabis daily, I generally felt relaxed, especially when I chose good quality organic outdoor cannabis.
But at some point I noticed that I became dependent on weed, and this in turn caused me anxiety. So I was using a drug to get rid of my anxiety, when in fact it was making me more anxious.
When this happened to me, I decided to switch to CBD. At that time I had already heard a lot about cannabidiol and knew I was already consuming it to a greater or lesser extent. In fact, CBD is in the cannabis you consume anyway and provides a more balanced effect from the high of THC.
Tips: Check out our blog page on Cannabis, to learn a lot about all things cannabis.
Read this blog: Weed Grinder Krush Kube 2.0 and 3.0: Review
CBD Oil from Jacob Hooy: Full Spectrum cannabidiol in small doses
For a while, I used CBD oil from Jacob Hooy every day. Jacob Hooy's 2.75% CBD oil is a full spectrum oil. This means that the oil not only contains filtered CBD, but also other contents of the plant. Thus, this CBD oil has a dark color because of chlorophyll, which is not visible in pure CBD oil.
Of course, full spectrum oil does not contain THC, but it does contain other constituents of the hemp plant. That's why the oil is called "full spectrum" and gives a balanced effect that way.
For me, 5 drops of CBD oil 2.75% are the right dosage. I took these daily, 1-2 times a day, usually before going to sleep.
CBD can help with anxiety issues such as fear of failure
Pressure from society to perform and destructive coping mechanisms as a result can be seen all around you.
It's not always easy to look at yourself in the mirror and admit, "I'm sabotaging myself by reacting in unfavorable ways to feelings like stress and anxiety."
Know that you are not the only one.
We would all love to respond perfectly to stressful situations and preferably not to get so hung up on the things that happen. But for a variety of reasons, whether it's due to an untreated piece of trauma, upbringing or living environment, your system may become over-stimulated and it may be difficult to let off steam.
As many as 1 in 7 people struggle with burnout. In our society, it is normal to be under constant pressure and need to perform. Our job, as well as our family, can ask a lot of us, perhaps more than we can handle. Only when our system feels that it can't go any further does it put on the brakes, often without us "wanting" to.
Stress and anxiety have shown themselves to be chronic and eventually the point comes when we break down.
How do you know if you are experiencing burnout or chronic anxiety?
The best way to protect yourself from burnout or chronic stress and anxiety is to listen to your own body and set your limits.
If you experience a lot of stress and tension in your daily life, chances are that you are heading for depression, burnout or illness.
Studies show that chronic stress promotes certain diseases and can greatly weaken our immune system.
Here are some characteristics that I myself suffer from when I suffer a lot from anxiety symptoms such as fear of failure.
A short fuse
One of the characteristics of someone under a lot of pressure is a bad mood. When you feel relaxed, it is easier to deal with stressful moments and things that don't go as smoothly. For someone under a lot of pressure, even the smallest misunderstanding can cause big problems.
For me personally, feelings of fear of failure certainly fuel misunderstandings and poor communication. Feelings of fear cause you to narrow, creating tunnel vision and viewing everything in a negative and oppressive way.
Low energy
A second characteristic of someone who may suffer from high anxiety and tension is low energy levels and little desire to tackle things. No matter what you suggest, the person in question doesn't actually get hot about anything.
When I struggled with fear of failure, I failed to motivate myself. Ideally, I wanted to hide from everything and everyone all day long.
When you find yourself constantly having to drag yourself through the day and would prefer to just lie in bed, you know something is not going well.
How can CBD oil help treat fear of failure?
CBD is a substance that can have a beneficial effect on our stress levels. The way CBD does this is by acting on the endocannabinoid system.
Read a book about CBD (Dutch or German) to learn more about CBD.
Does CBD oil work for everyone?
With CBD oil, it is important to listen carefully to your own body. I myself decided to start with a low CBD percentage to see what it would do for me.
Because of my fear of failure, I thought I might need more drops or a stronger CBD product. Still, Jacob Hooy 2.75% turned out to be enough for me. If you take too much CBD, you may feel sleepy. Other than that, there are really hardly any side effects to name. Still, it is wise to keep the dosage as low as possible.
Is THC oil better than CBD oil?
As mentioned earlier, I deliberately switched from THC-rich cannabis to a pure CBD product, namely Jacob Hooy 2.75% CBD. Both CBD and THC are both cannabinoids with interesting properties. Both substances can have a beneficial effect on anxiety, stress and depression. This is different for each user.
THC is known to be more likely to have unwanted side effects. After all, it is a psychoactive substance with a psychedelic effect. This changes the way you experience the world, and for some, this can be frightening.
CBD, on the other hand, does not have a strong effect on mood, but rather works subtly. In this way, CBD is suitable for everyone, even children and (domestic) animals.
Why I stopped using CBD oil
After a certain period of time, I noticed that I started to feel increasingly healthier and fitter and simply forgot to take CBD drops. That way, my CBD use came to a halt.
Nowadays I do usually stock up on CBD products and I can also enjoy a CBD joint. This has little THC in it and a lot of CBD, giving you a completely different effect.
Check out our Seedshop if you want to grow your own CBD cannabis. I can recommend CBD to everyone. In fact, it is one of our most popular smartshop products. Customers order CBD oil en masse for all kinds of reasons. With me, the reason was fear of failure. What is your reason for using CBD?
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