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Have you heard of moon rocks, the most powerful weed from outer space?
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In this blog item Have you heard of moon rocks, the most powerful weed from outer space?What are moon rocks?Where did moon rocks come from?How do you smoke moonrock weed?What are the effects of moon rocks?What you'll need for moon rocksDifferent typesHow to make moon rocksAre moon rocks legal?Pros and consSafety tipsConclusion

Have you heard of moon rocks, the most powerful weed from outer space?

Have you heard of moon rocks, the most powerful weed from outer space?

Moon rocks, it sounds like something only a stoner could come up with to describe the most powerful weed known to mankind. But it's a fact: if you're looking for a THC bomb that will blow your socks off: moon rocks (or sun rocks, or ice rock) are the way to go. You've been warned: don't try this at home unless you know exactly what you're getting into, and are ready for the next phase in your cannabis career. Read this blog to quickly find out everything you need to know about moon rocks!

What are moon rocks?

Humans are always up for something new, tirelessly inventing new things to get busy with. People who love weed invented moon rocks, and the most important question they asked themselves was: how can you get as stoned as possible? To find out, the best ingredients, such as top-quality cannabis, kief and concentrates, were blended together to create a final product bulging with THC. Whereas a ‘normal’ THC product usually hovers around 20% THC, moon rocks typically contain more than 50% THC. Do you feel dizzy yet?

The process is as follows: a cannabis bud is dipped in hash oil to make it sticky, then rolled through kief (a potent powder consisting of pure trichomes, cannabinoids and terpenes). The end result is a heavenly cannabis bud that provides hours of pleasure, if you’re into that kind of stuff.

It's a clever way to upgrade your weed, increase your high tenfold, and be all in with one of the most intense cannabis forms invented in recent times. Even as an experienced stoner, it's important to handle moon rocks very carefully. Even the OG Snoopdog admitted that marijuana moon rocks can be too intense, especially because of the extremely high THC percentage. However if you use cannabis to combat (chronic) pain, or are looking for something extreme, this may be a good solution. That said, we always recommend seeking advice from your doctor before using cannabis to treat any health problem.

Did you know there are also CBD moon rocks, which do not make you stoned or high? They can be a wonderful addition if you prefer to keep both feet on the ground, or have little experience.

If it wasn't already clear enough: THC moon rocks are not suitable for people who have little experience with weed, and if you do have experience you should still remain very careful, because of its extreme potency!

Where did moon rocks come from?

No, moon rocks don't really come from the moon, although they kind of look like that. The history of moon rocks is very hazy, so unfortunately we can't tell much about it. It is said that moon rocks became a thing within the rap scene in the 1990s. The rappers Kurupt and Dr. Zodiak are said to have originally put moon rocks in the spotlight. They even launched their own moon rock merchandise at one point.

To this day, moon rocks are a popular way to enjoy cannabis. You can easily make moon rocks yourself (if you can get your hands on the necessary ingredients), but you can also buy them ready-made in countries where this is legal, for example in some states in the United States. In coffeeshops in the Netherlands you will not be able to buy them, since they are not legal to sell.

How do you smoke moonrock weed?

Smoking moonrock weed is slightly different from what you are used to when you smoke cannabis. In fact, you can somewhat compare moonrock weed to dabbing; because of its extreme potency, you need very little to experience a strong effect.

So, it is important that you dose your portion well, and just take a tiny amount, just like you would do with dabbing cannabis concentrates. If you want to learn more about dabbing, read our blog about dabbing for beginners.

Dab tools

A dab tool is used when consuming cannabis concentrates such as wax, resin, honey and shatter. It is a convenient little tool that helps you tackle a sticky substance without getting your fingers dirty. In Sirius' Headshop you will find everything you need to work with marijuana moon rocks perfectly! Extra tip: do not use a grinder for grinding moon rocks, that way they will fall apart into small pieces and it will become a mess.

dab tool 115mm

Glass bong or pipe

You can consume moon rocks in different ways, it's all about what you like best. It’s a good idea to choose glass, because you are dealing with a sticky concentrate that is difficult to remove. For example, a glass bong is a great choice if you enjoy a big hit. At the same time, a decent bong makes for a silky smooth smoking experience, reducing throat discomfort. Choose this Percolator Icebong Black, for example, for a cooler moon landing.

A simple glass pipe is also an option, and handy if you prefer to keep everything a little more compact.

icebong black


Joint with moonrock & flower

Finally, a good, ol' joint is possible as well. You can roll a joint with it, but this is probably not your preferred option, as it is difficult to smoke. If you still want to try this, roll the moonrock in some crumbled weed (or other herb). Drape chunks of moonrock bud on a bed of flower, and you're all set. You can find everything you need to roll the best joint (Papers & Filters) at Sirius online Headshop!

What are the effects of moon rocks?

You can't really explain the effects of moon rocks: you have to experience them. However, to give it a try: each hit is a complete experience, which can best be compared to dabbing: it really feels like being shot into the cosmos (or sometimes rather like sinking into the bowels of the earth). The effect can also last a very long time, much longer than with dabbing weed. Hours after smoking it, you can still be completely out of it. And by hours I mean that after an evening of moon rock, you still haven't landed by the next morning. Smoking moon rocks is a different olfactory experience than using pure concentrates: by combining weed, kief and oil, you get a huge amount of terpenes in one go, which make for an amazingly intense taste experience. So if you care about taste, this is an unparalleled experience.

What you'll need for moon rocks

Making marijuana moon rocks is really not that difficult, but the tricky part is getting hold of the best weed, hash oil and top quality kief. Dutch coffeeshops do not have this readily available. Processed cannabis products such as hash oil are not legally available in the Netherlands, only by doctor's prescription. It makes sense to make it all yourself, but you have to know what you're doing. Fortunately, you'll find all the tips for growing your own weed on our website, and then you're already a step in the right direction for making moon rocks.

Moon rock weed strains

Originally, Girl Scout Cookies was used for moon rocks.
Today, you can use any strain you like to make moon rocks. It is especially important that the moon rocks flower you use is compact, which makes it easier to use. Of course, the stronger the weed, the stronger the end result. Give these strains a try, and grow them yourself.

Barney’s Farm Cookies Kush, with a THC percentage of 24%
Growers Choice Banana Glue, up to 28% THC
RQS Wedding Crasher, with 21% THC


Kief, also called pollen, is the stuff found in the bottom compartment of your grinder: a powder composed of dried trichomes, which falls off of cannabis buds.

Trichomes are the magic of the cannabis plant: these sources of resin contain all the goodies you're looking for: cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. It's incredibly potent and a very costly product. So it's smart to buy a grinder where you always save the kief. If you have enough for a tub to roll a cannabis bud in, you can make your own moonrock buds.

alu grinder small 4 parts

Hash oil

Hash oil, or BHO oil, is made by extracting cannabis using a butane, propane or alcohol solvent. What remains after the filtering process is a sticky substance.
Hash oil is easy to use, and also incredibly potent. It’s perfect if you want to make the most potent weed on earth.

If you prefer to use a different cannabis concentrate for making your moon rocks, this is also possible. If your cannabis concentrate is a bit thick, heat it up first by using a dab nail to make it a bit more gooey. This makes the concentrate stick better to your cannabis bud. Check out this stainless steel oil nail.

stainless steel oil nail 14

Different types

The fun doesn't stop with moonrocks, as there are other ways you can maximize your high and all fall under the category of extremely strong cannabis buds. Keep reading to be completely informed of the various terminology.

Sun rocks vs Moon rocks

The difference between moon rocks and sun rocks is that the latter is even more potent. For sun rocks, only top grade cannabis with an extremely high THC percentage must be used. The final product can exceed a THC percentage of 80%.  If you thought it couldn't get any stronger…

Sun rocks are usually made with flower, oil and kief from the same cannabis strain, which is usually a top-grade exotic weed variant. You get an end product that has a bit more the appearance of a regular cannabis bud, until you experience its power.

Sun rocks are a somewhat more recent invention and exceed all expectations, usually using a high-quality cannabis concentrate such as resin. They do come with a hefty price tag.

Ice rock

For the CBD lovers among us, a winner has emerged: ice rock. This product is made with a high-end CBD cannabis strain and CBD crystals, which create a beautiful icy appearance. Even though this product does not contain psychoactive THC, it is still wise to take it easy. The main ingredient of ice rocks are CBD-enriched hemp flowers.

Cannabis caviar

When we talk about cannabis caviar, the first thing we talk about is expensive cannabis, which you can't get just anywhere.
Cannabis caviar has become synonymous with the creme de la creme of the cannabis industry. It refers to the strongest marijuana, enriched with the very best ingredients to achieve enormous potency. In short: a somewhat fancier name for moonrocks. Or is it? 

According to true connoisseurs, there is a slight difference between these two products. Cannabis caviar is not necessarily rolled through kief after being dipped in hash oil. Without the kief, cannabis caviar usually skims around 30% THC. However, exceptions are sometimes made, so you can use both terms for similar products.

How to make moon rocks

Do you want to make your own moon rocks? Why not, it's a relatively simple process. The most important thing is that your ingredients should be of high quality. This includes: no unhealthy additives such as pesticides, no chemical residues and no mold. If you want to make sure you have good quality weed for your moonrock cannabis, it's best to grow your own.

Browse our Seedshop for top quality cannabis seeds, and find everything you need to grow your own weed in our Growshop.

At Sirius, you will also find supplies to make your own cannabis concentrate, but we only recommend this if you already have experience in it.
Read below step-by-step how to make moon rock weed.

cookies kush weed


Step 1: Gather your ingredients

Make sure you have the best quality cannabis on hand, a wonderful hash oil and, of course, kief. A ratio of 70% cannabis bud, 20% hash oil and 10% kief is often used for 1 moon rock. Extra tip: prefer to choose a small cannabis bud, with as few twigs as possible.

Step 2: Dip the cannabis bud in the hash oil

You have two options: fill a (silicone) container with your hash oil and roll the cannabis bud in it so that it becomes covered with the concentrate. Be careful not to soak it too much, then it will be harder to use the moonrock later.

The other option: prick your cannabis bud on a skewer and then smear it using a dab tool. Whatever you do, make sure your hands don't come in contact with the hash oil so you waste as little of this precious stuff as possible.

If you want to try cannabis caviar, you can go straight to step 4. For the full finish, read step 3.

Step 3: Roll the cannabis bud through the kief

As a final step, roll the cannabis bud through a layer of kief, giving it a nice powder coating. The end result is a mysterious-looking bud, with extreme powers.

Step 4: Let your moon rock dry

The last step is to let your created moon rock dry before using it. That's it, you're ready to go.
Do you want to store them? Put them in an airtight glass jar and put it somewhere no light will touch them.

Are moon rocks legal?

In the Netherlands, you’ll not be able to buy moon rocks, since cannabis concentrates are not legal to sell. This is why you will not find moon rocks in any coffeeshop in the Netherlands. If you are interested in moon rocks, it is best to make them yourself. Always check the laws of the country you are in when dealing with cannabis products.

Pros and cons

Moon rocks (and other THC-rich products) are not for everyone. What is an advantage for some may be a major disadvantage for someone else. Here are a few examples so you can decide for yourself if this is something you would like to try. Either way, cannabis products with high THC content are best consumed in moderation when used recreationally. Be sure to not take them too regularly to avoid a dependency and take breaks to help your system break down tolerance.


  • If you are a seasoned stoner, and your tolerance is getting in the way, moon rocks can be a good aid to stretch it.
  • If you use cannabis for medicinal reasons, such as to combat pain, moon rocks can be a welcome addition.
  • Although moon rocks are usually pricey because of the high-end products, it can be a cheaper option in the long run, especially if you smoke a lot of weed. A little goes a long way.
  • Last, but not least, moon rocks can deliver an incredibly intense taste sensation, thanks to the gigantic amount of terpenes and flavonoids you ingest.


  • Tolerance: we already talked about it, but it's really something to pay attention to. The stronger your weed, the higher your tolerance can get. For your own well-being, it is important to pay attention to this and taper off in time.
  • Too strong effect: moon rocks are so strong that there even is a chance of a bad trip. This can be a very unpleasant experience and unfortunately you cannot always see it coming. Of course, it remains very important to know yourself (and your own limits) well. Too much is never good.

Safety tips

  • Use only if you know the strength of the moonrock and know your own limits.
  • No responsibilities for the next few hours. If you actually have to do homework or visit your sick grandmother, a moonrock cannabis session is not a smart plan.
  • Make sure you have eaten something before starting your session. Preferably something healthy so you have a good base and have energy if things get a little too intense.
  • Smoke moon rocks in a safe and familiar place with everything at hand that you might need such as water, food and something to sit comfortably.
  • Take it easy and take long breaks between hits. Feel how you react and don't go too fast.


Moon rocks were invented by people who wanted to get so high they would reach the stars, and they succeeded: they give you the high of your life. Moon rocks can also be too strong and make you clash with your own limits. There are plenty of stoners who are perfectly happy with a medium joint with a small dose of THC. No problem, moon rocks are there for when your need for THC turns into a bottomless pit, or when you use cannabis for (chronic) pain relief.


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