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How many grams of magic truffles do you need to take? All about Mini-Dosing Truffles
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In this blog item New Freshbox Truffles: Atlantis, Mexicana, Tampanensis, Galindoi Freshbox Galindoi Truffles5 grams magic truffles trip report What dose of magic truffles is a microdose?Tripping or Microdosing – Buy Magic truffles online at Sirius 

How many grams of magic truffles do you need to take? All about Mini-Dosing Truffles

The perfect dose of magic truffles to feel effect, how do you determine that? Mini-dosing magic truffles is all about finding the right ammount of psilocybin containing truffles and mushrooms. What's the difference between mini-dosing and microdosing? Read this blog to learn everything about different ways of dosing your psychedelics. And why less can certainly be more.

When talking about the right dose of a psychedelic drug such as psilocybin containing magic truffles (sclerotia) or magic mushrooms, everyone seems to have a different opinion. Some people say “Always take as little as possible, just to be sure” while others claim “If you take to little you will not have a real trip, therefore you need to take at least so-and-so much grams”. Because of this, a lot of people are unsure whether it really is a good idea to have your first psychedelic experience with a dosage that is “as low as possible”.

What actually is the treshhold of grams to take to have a psychedelic experience, and when is a dose low enough to be considered a Microdose? To answer the question how much, or better said: how little truffles you need to take to still feel an effect, a good friend of mine and fellow psychonaut told me his story how he took 5 grams of the Freshbox Galindoi truffles (at two separate occasions). If you want to find out what just 5 grams of magic truffles can do to you, then keep reading!  

Disclaimer: We at Sirius generally recommend starting your first magic truffle trip with a dose of 7.5 grams, which is something I personally stand by. This is because from customer experiences, as well as our own expertise, we judge 7.5 grams to be a dose that is both high enough to elicit a meaningful psychedelic response but low enough to not be overwhelmingly strong.

If you want to take magic truffles for the first time and are unsure what is the right dosage for you, then don’t hesitate to contact our customer support or talk to an employee in or store in Maastricht or Roermond. The rest of this blog is a personal experience by someone who already has a lot of experience with different psychedelics.

Every trip, just like every person, is different, so please inform yourself properly and/or talk to someone who is experienced in this domain before you take magic truffles or anything similar. 

New Freshbox Truffles: Atlantis, Mexicana, Tampanensis, Galindoi 


Did you know that recently, the Sirius magic truffle assortment got expanded by four brand new freshbox strains? Their names are freshbox atlantis, freshbox mexicana, freshbox tampanensis, and freshbox galindoi, and they all possess unique profiles and characteristics resulting in a slightly different psychedelic experience. If you want to find out more, check out our magic truffle shop or read this recent blog about the new freshbox strains

Freshbox Galindoi Truffles


The truffle strain that was used for the following trip report was Freshbox Galindoi. Before this strain was released, Sirius engaged in a lot of testing to accurately identify profiles of the new strains. For this, all test subjects received a truffle box without a label, so that they had no idea which particular strain they were getting. I also participated and wrote a trip report about the freshbox galindoi truffles. If you are interested in knowing about my experience with 8 grams of Freshbox Galindoi truffles and how to make magic truffle tea, then check out my other blogs! 

For the next two paragraphs, I will take perspective of my friend who wrote me a detailed trip report of two sessions with approximately 5 grams of freshbox galindoi truffles. 

We received 2 boxes of 15g freshbox truffles, not knowing what strain they were. Because we didn’t know how the effects of this strain would be, we didn’t know what to expect but were very excited. We decided to split the 2 boxes in 3, meaning that me, my girlfriend, and another good friend took 5 grams each. We did this at 2 different occasions. 

5 grams magic truffles trip report 

 " The first thing that I noticed after I took my first 5 grams was that the effects I was experiencing were not very strong, which was not a surprise to me. At the second session, I was the only one from my group who said he felt anything, the others said that at one point they had a somewhat ‘funky’ experience but no real trip. Both times we were outside on a hike, so we were in nature and did not really close our eyes and/or engaged in introspection. All of us had very little to no visual effect with eyes open. Personally, my stomach is very easily upset by psilocybin, but this one was quite easy on me compared to other magic truffles / magic mushrooms I took before. Nonetheless, I had (as I usually do, so this might be a personal bias from my side) moderately strong tactile sensations (tingling, feeling light, etc.)

So put together, in both sessions there were no real perceptual effects, the trip was more cerebral. Before one of the sessions, I was in a quite depressed mood, and was a bit afraid that taking it might go south, but it actually made me very happy in the end. I had some unusual thoughts that I found very entertaining as well. And I think we all enjoyed just talking to each other a bit more than usual. The conservations in our little group were very harmonious and had a very nice flow.

I would personally categorize this magic truffle strain as a nice pro-social and mind-loosening truffle with no strong perceptual effects. I would microdose it, because I really liked the small cerebral effects it had, however, we have to keep in mind that I took relatively small doses in tea, a full dose of this strain might result in a completely different experience. 

Oh, and there is one thing I want to add: This truffle strain tasted damn nice. Most truffles I’ve tried so far were just disguting but this one was actually good (I tried a few before the tea and we also ate the rest after they were soaked). So if you also don’t like the taste, of magic truffles, maybe this strain (Galindoi) is something for you. "

I hope this trip report from my friend gave you some insights what kind of experiences you can expect when taking a low dose (5 grams) of magic truffles. Personally, I would have expected something similar to this story from such a dose, and I don’t think that the strain of the truffles makes a large difference here. The difference between the strains are best experienced in full doses of 10 to 15 grams, but these are only suited for experienced psychonauts who know what they are doing! 

What dose of magic truffles is a microdose?

microdosing kit

While people unfamiliar with the matter would maybe already categorize 5 grams of truffles as a microdose, this is completely wrong! A microdose refers to a dose that is so small, that you actually have no conscious psychedelic experiences at all. The idea is that you take 0.5 or 1 gram of truffles on a casual day, just before going to work or to bed, but instead of a psychedelic trip you have a mild boost of bodily recognition and concentration.

If you want to find out more about Microdosing, then check out this blog about microdosing lion's mane. We at Sirius offer special microdosing truffles, as well as a microdosing starter kit and the famous Paul Stamets Stack formula, a package including truffles for Microdosing and specific supplements that have a beneficial synergistic effect.

Tripping or Microdosing – Buy Magic truffles online at Sirius 

Whether you want to take small, high or microdoses, Sirius is the place to go when it comes to magic truffles. We do not only offer a large assortment of freshbox magic truffles, no, we are actually the ones producing them. That’s right, every freshbox truffle you can buy in a smartshop in the Netherlands comes from the Sirius headquarters. If you want to conveniently order magic truffles online, all you got to do is buy them in our online magic truffle shop and we will deliver them to your doorstep in a few days. 

Disclaimer: Please inform yourself about the legal status of magic truffles or similar products in your home country before ordering! Sirius can only deliver magic truffles or magic mushroom growkits to places where they are not illegal. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our customer service!


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