Microdosing with cannabis: All you need to know
Microdosing with cannabis? When I first heard about it myself, I immediately thought 'no way, this is not for me'. This was in the period that I preferred to only smoke joints of a strong caliber.
I would put on an album that I was obsessed with at that moment and start drawing. Or I would just sit at the window with the joint between my fingers, looking at the clouds and listening. Sometimes I would even clean up very rigorously!
Apparently a certain stage of being high does that to me; I get pleasure from making everything clean and orderly.
The healing effects of cannabis
Being stoned with friends is always a party too. Sometimes they would bring homegrown weed. We smoked a few joints and went for a nice walk in nature. That's the best part, being in the woods and having adventures.
These were healing moments for me, where I always got enlightening insights from the conversations we had, or from my own thoughts that I could look at from a different perspective.
The active ingredients in cannabis, including the psychoactive cannabinoid THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) have been used by humans for thousands of years for its healing properties. In addition to THC, cannabis contains more than 110 other cannabinoids.
How does THC work?
THC acts on a mechanism in our body called the endocannabinoid system. This system contains certain receptors, which can receive substances that the body makes itself, so-called body substances. When researching the effects of THC, it was discovered that the body produces a certain substance that is very similar to THC. This substance is called anandamide. In Sanskrit it means "happiness".
Anandamide is a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in depression, pain, memory and hunger. It is an important substance for the functioning of higher brain functions, control of motor skills and memory.
Anandamide is also important for processing certain (traumatic) memories. In a study with patients suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome, it was found that they were deficient in this neurotransmitter. This made processing and forgetting their experiences more difficult. Hence, cannabis is often used as a medicine by people suffering from unprocessed trauma.
Incidentally, chocolate contains a compound very similar to anandamide. It also contains substances that inhibit the breakdown of anandamide. Of course, the effect of eating chocolate is not as profound as smoking a joint. THC mimics the action of anandamide and provides a sense of well-being and promotes appetite.
High THC percentages for an intense high
I started looking for cannabis with delicious flavors and satisfying effects. Often I went for cannabis with high THC levels and a more psychedelic or euphoric effect. Examples include Bad Azz Kush from Barney's Farm. I liked to experiment with as many different strains as possible, in order to better develop my own taste profile.
Is microdosing with cannabis for you?
So, cannabis in "high" doses, preferring to have no obligations and being completely free to do what I feel good about. The benefits are numerous. Nevertheless, I gradually became more and more interested in the microdosing concept. As is the case with Magic Truffles, a strong dose can provide a wonderful experience in which you get exactly what you need.
Of course, it is important that you take your time before your trip, or when using weed. It is not a smart idea to be high in class, or to visit your grandmother while tripping.
Sometimes "normal" trip doses can turn out to be a bit heavy, with the effect having side effects you're not looking for. When I went to college I experienced a lot of time pressure, so I often couldn't enjoy being high anymore, let alone tripping with psilocybin.
During that time I started microdosing and it was just right! A microdose works many times more subtly. Its benefits often only become apparent after a while.
Microdosing with cannabis is the same as microdosing with any other psychedelic: you take, on a regular basis, a very small amount. Usually this is about one-tenth of a "normal" dose. The idea is that you are able to go about your day 'as usual' and not feel like you are under the influence.
The healing effects of THC, among other substances, can be felt even at minute doses. Many users who are looking for the therapeutic power of cannabis are deterred by the fact that you can get quite stoned or high, which can interfere with your obligations. For them, microdosing with cannabis is a godsend.
Microdosing as an alternative to antidepressants and anti-anxiety agents
Although more clinical research is still needed, the world is beginning to take a greater interest in the therapeutic effects of microdosing. Microdosing is a way for more and more people to solve certain obstacles in life. For many, it is seen as a better alternative to taking medications such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs.
From various stories of experience, it is clear that the dosage of cannabis makes all the difference. Especially when using cannabis as a medicine and not just for recreational purposes, it is important to control the dose properly. That way you minimize the "unwanted" side effects and maximize the desired effects. Where a small amount of cannabis can reduce anxiety, a high dose of cannabis can sometimes make you feel paranoid.
Scientific research on cannabis
Not only the medical world is experiencing a shift in its view of cannabis, but also within politics and in the living room people are beginning to speak in a different tone about this plant, which has been cultivated by man for so long and yet has been fought as a weed for the past few decades.
Fortunately, more and more research is being done into the medicinal power of cannabis. Microdosing is also being researched.
For example, one study showed that cancer patients suffered the least pain with low doses of THC and CBD. This study is just an outline of how microdosing might work. Furthermore, this recent study from 2020 shows that microdosing with cannabis provides a reduction in pain symptoms, without undesirable side effects.
Effects of microdosing with cannabis
- Reduction of pain
- Increased focus and concentration
- Less anxiety
- Less depressive feelings
- Better sleep pattern
- Reduction of stress
High dose vs. Low dose cannabis
As I wrote earlier, I preferred high doses of cannabis. Also, many users who take cannabis as medicine for their symptoms take high doses because it works better for them.
Microdosing becomes interesting when, for example, the most severe symptoms of the user's complaints are over or reduced. Then it can be useful to also reduce the dose of cannabis, until one stays with microdosing as a standard.
Many patients use small amounts of cannabis every day, which helps them control their symptoms and keep their day as normal as possible.
Combination with CBD
The effects of THC are balanced by the non-psychoactive cannabinoid CBD. Some cannabis strains have higher CBD percentages than others. The ratio of different active ingredients to each other have a great influence on the effect you get from the cannabis plant. This influence is of much greater consequence than which strain you have, indica, sativa or ruderalis.
Users who begin microdosing often combine their dose of weed with a few drops of CBD oil. Again, it's important to try it out and see what a good dose is for you. Do you suffer from a lot of pain symptoms? Then a higher dose of cannabidiol may be useful and is quickly within the percentages of 20 to 25% CBD, such as this oil from Cibiday.
Are you new and do you not yet know what your ideal dose of CBD is, in combination with THC? Then start with a low percentage and keep it for a few weeks.A low CBD percentage is Jacob Hooy 2.75%.
Do you have questions about cannabis, THC or CBD oil?
The team of Sirius is happy to help you further on your way and share knowledge about the use of the beautiful cannabis plant and its many applications.
And in case you didn't notice: The growing season has started! What a time to start cultivating your (first) own plant. Check out the seed offers in our Seedshop.
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