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Microdosing: refresh your brain
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In this blog item Finding new pathsA positive state of mindRoutineThe two best formulasThe Paul Stamets methodThe James Fadiman method

Microdosing: refresh your brain

A healthy mind in a healthy body! Are you ready to create the best version of yourself? Microdosing turns out to be a tool to boost your mental health. There is an increasing range of experience stories, scientific articles and information available online.

The psilocybe mushroom can, taken in small amounts, have a positive effect on mood, learning and thinking (including problem-solving thinking).

Finding new paths

In Silicon Valley, where the most clever minds crack their brains, microdosing is a way to generate creativity, and to look at all kinds of high-tech dilemmas with a fresh look. Research has shown that all kinds of activity arises that would have a positive influence on the brain. For example, extra connections are made in the brain and growth of cognitive functions is stimulated. It also appears that different parts of the brain start communicating more with each other that usually don't have so much to tell to each other.
Many people report a huge difference in their state of mind and that this positive turnaround has a stimulating effect on social interactions, motivation, energy... in short, an all-round life enhancer.

A positive state of mind

Many antidepressants (SSRI) try to ensure that more serotonin (also called the happiness hormone) remains in the brain. Psychedelics work in a much more direct way. Their special characteristic is that they mimic serotonin and stimulate the receptors in our brain.
You can see your brain as all roads that criss-cross. There is a lot of traffic flowing along these paths, often following the same route. An ingrained habit is a road that is driven in the same way over and over again, leaving a deep trail. No wonder it is so difficult to stop smoking, quit negative thinking patterns, etc. It feels like you're in a maze with only one signpost and the final destination is the pitfall you'll end up in. Because psychedelics have the power to make other connections, you can 're-set' your brain that way. This is very interesting for people with addictions, depression, but also for artists who suffer from a creativity block.

You surely have been in a 'flow-state' once in your life. It feels as if time and space no longer exist for a moment, you are completely absorbed in what you do. Think of athletes who steer their bodies completely in their element, a writer who finishes the end of his book in one go, or a dog trainer who's guiding the animal in a total balanced way.

Although there is not yet sufficient evidence that a microdose of psychedelics causes a 'flow-state', we are convinced that a change is taking place that looks very much like a 'flow-state'. As mentioned before, serotonin is imitated and is present to a greater extent during a flow-state. Also psychedelics increase the dopamine levels and we know that this neurotransmitter is also more present during a flow-state.


Microdosing requires the correct, reliable material and possibly a booklet to record your findings. It is useful to keep track of what insights you get during the process and what happens if you do NOT take your dose for a day.

Microdosing with Truffles is the most reliable way to start. Each dose is 1 gram of fresh truffles, containing 2 mg of psilocybin. This small amount does not cause hallucinations, no laughter kicks and no butterflies in your belly. It is possible that colors are a fraction more intense and your senses somewhat sharpened. A day will continue exactly as it always is and it could be that you only realize in bed in the evening that you had your first mini amount of truffles this morning.

The two best formulas

The best results are achieved when you have a fixed schedule that you follow consistently. We offer the two best formulas to get started yourself.

The Paul Stamets method

Paul Stamets is currently an icon in mycology (mushroom research science). Through years of study he has built up an amazing repertoire of knowledge. His love for psilocybin mushrooms has led him to many insights that are gaining ground in science. His microdosis method means that you take a microdosis for four days and then take a break of two days, and repeat this for one month max.

Day 1 - 4: Microdosis

Day 5 - 6: No microdosis

Repeat for a maximum of one month.

The James Fadiman method

James Fadiman has been conducting thorough and large-scale research into microdosing with psilocybin mushrooms for years. On his website you will find detailed information about the promising results. His method means that you take a microdose one day and then take a break of two days, and repeat this for one to two months.

Day 1: Microdosis

Day 2: Transition day. On this day you do not take a microdose but you can integrate day 1.

Day 3: Normal day. This is also to prevent tolerance. Just like someone who drinks a lot of coffee and smokes cigarettes, your body gets used to psilocybin.

Repeat for a maximum of two months. How long this break should take is personal, but a few weeks is recommended to give your brain the chance to walk the new paths 'on its own'.

Be sure to check out our blog about Psilocybin and Lion's Mane: Healthy brain.


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