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09-11-2022 8 minutes Blog microdosing Microdosing with Magic Truffles and Lion's Mane: Frequently Asked Questions Yay, another blog article about microdosing with magic truffles! This subject is very close to my heart and I find it important to inform our customer [..] 19-02-2022 8 minutes Blog microdosing Microdosing with magic truffles: this you need to know Are you also curious about the effects of microdosing with magic truffles? Regularly we get the question from a customer what exactly is the effect of [..] 27-08-2021 8 minutes Blog microdosing Interview: Microdosing with Magic Truffles and body acceptance: peace with your body! How do you feel in your body? Many people find it difficult to answer this question. “Feeling” can be scary. You’re used to running [..] 23-06-2021 8 minutes Blog microdosing Microdosing with psilocybin to tackle your anxiety problem? Read about the benefits and risks We might label ourselves as seekers. Everyone seems to be searching for something. Happiness, fulfillment, meaning of life, to name a few. The searchi [..] 18-02-2021 8 minutes Blog microdosing Microdosing with cannabis: All you need to know Microdosing with cannabis? When I first heard about it myself, I immediately thought 'no way, this is not for me'. This was in the period that [..] 12-02-2021 9 minutes Blog microdosing Microdosing with psilocybin according to the Stamets Stack Formula Microdosing with psychedelics is a good exercise in subtlety, regularity and conscious awareness. Almost without thinking about it, certain patterns b [..] 07-07-2020 9 minutes Blog microdosing Psilocybin and Lion's Mane: Healthy brain The flow of thoughts and feelings that can flood us every day needs direction. There are different ways in which you can work on the way your brai [..] 25-03-2020 5 minutes Blog microdosing Microdosing: various psychedelics What is especially clear and obvious in the studies of psychedelics, is their resemblance to serotonin. This chemical plays a role in our brain in alm [..] 27-03-2019 5 minutes Blog microdosing Microdosing: refresh your brain A healthy mind in a healthy body! Are you ready to create the best version of yourself? Microdosing turns out to be a tool to boost your mental health [..]
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