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08-04-2021 8 minutes Blog magic mushrooms A strong trip with Magic Mushrooms and Cocoa I am leaving for a deserted island and I am taking with me... Chocolate of course! Or no... better a cocoa plant, so I’m able to keep cultivatin [..] 06-04-2021 9 minutes Blog magic mushrooms How do I prepare for a trip on Magic Mushrooms? Every time, I am delighted by the tricks Mother Nature pulls to usher in the season of spring. Even if you live in a busy city and walk on concrete mo [..] 06-11-2020 7 minutes Blog magic mushrooms How do I preserve my Magic Mushrooms? Being self-sufficient gives a feeling of freedom. It may have something to do with the realization that you don't have to be completely dependent [..] 28-10-2020 8 minutes Blog magic mushrooms Psilocybin: what is ego death? Paul Stamets turned 65 last July. A time of ‘deep reflection', he called it. The last phase of a life, how do you deal with that? How do you [..] 30-09-2020 8 minutes Blog magic mushrooms What are Magic Truffles and how do they differ from Shrooms? I am abroad and someone asks me what I do for a living. When I tell them that I work in the Netherlands for Sirius, a smartshop, an interesting conver [..] 01-09-2020 7 minutes Blog magic mushrooms Psilocybin Therapy as an adjunct to Depression I sit at a table in a cafe and have a cup of coffee. Around me I see people I don't know, they talk to each other or look silently in front of me. [..] 21-07-2020 8 minutes Blog magic mushrooms The magic mushrooms of Doña María Sabina R. Gordon Wasson was about to make the trip of his life. When he first heard about the mysterious mushrooms with which indigenous peoples in South Ame [..] 17-06-2020 7 minutes Blog magic mushrooms The Stoned Ape Theory Whether you think it's an insult, or a compliment: you look like a monkey anyway. About 5 to 7 million years ago there was an evolutionary separat [..] 15-06-2020 6 minutes Blog magic mushrooms Learning how to dose The world of psychoactive substances is big and exciting. Where our parents and grandparents sneaked into the library or the bookcase of a (too) crazy [..] 04-05-2020 6 minutes Blog magic mushrooms FAQ Grow your own magic mushrooms Legal Status The Netherlands is one of the few countries in the world where it is legal to use psilocybin. Since 2008 the law has become stricter: [..] 10-02-2020 5 minutes Blog magic mushrooms Freshbox Magic Truffles: Which one do you choose? You're staring at the Magic Truffle Menu in front of you. What to choose! Which one do you want the most? The strongest? Or the one with the best [..] 24-12-2019 5 minutes Blog magic mushrooms What is Psilohuasca? Maybe you have heard of Ayahuasca. Ayahuasca contains the substance DMT (dimethyltryptamine). This is one of the strongest psychedelic substances, com [..] 27-11-2019 8 minutes Blog magic mushrooms Mushroom Grow Kit Manual Are you a beginner or do you have some experience growing mushrooms? There are ways you can get the biggest harvests. These tips will make growing Mag [..]
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