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16-05-2023 10 minutes Blog magic mushrooms Freshbox Atlantis Magic Truffles Trip Report My next magic truffle trip report is about the Atlantis sclerotia truffles from Freshbox. As I mentioned in a blog I wrote about the new magic tr [..] 02-04-2023 8 minutes Blog magic mushrooms How many grams of magic truffles do you need to take? All about Mini-Dosing Truffles The perfect dose of magic truffles to feel effect, how do you determine that? Mini-dosing magic truffles is all about finding the right ammount of psi [..] 24-01-2023 7 minutes Blog magic mushrooms Discover the new Freshbox Magic Truffle Strains – Atlantis, Mexicana, Tampanensis, Galindoi Not long ago, the Sirius magic truffle assortment got expanded by four new additions: Freshbox Atlantis, Freshbox Mexicana, Freshbox Tampanensis, and [..] 23-01-2023 7 minutes Blog magic mushrooms What are the Psychedelic Substances Psilocybin and Psilocin? Nature has always surprised us with its many manifestations, not least in the way certain substances can alter our consciousness, such as psychedelics [..] 08-01-2023 9 minutes Blog magic mushrooms Trip Report Galindoi Truffles + How to make Magic Truffle Tea Recently, I was offered the chance to test some of the new Freshbox Magic Truffle strains, that were recently added to our magictruffleshop. As it is [..] 30-12-2022 8 minutes Blog magic mushrooms Taking Psychedelics in the Club? Trip Report New Freshbox Truffle Strain: Galindoi The Freshbox Truffle assortment recently got expanded by four new magic truffle strains: Mexicana, Tampanensis, Atlantis, and Galindoii. They are cons [..] 25-12-2022 7 minutes Blog magic mushrooms New Magic Truffles! Buy online Tampanensis, Atlantis, Mexicana and Galindoi We welcome no less than four new magic truffles to our assortment! Atlantis, Tampanensis, Mexicana, Galindoi! These magic truffles are exclusively for [..] 24-11-2022 7 minutes Blog magic mushrooms Test your magic mushrooms: Discover the Psilocybin Concentration Test Kit A brand new smartshop product for sale at Sirius Smartshop. Now it is finally possible to measure how potent your homegrown magic mushrooms are, or pu [..] 23-09-2022 8 minutes Blog magic mushrooms PsiloQ Test Kit Review – Test the Potency of your Magic Mushrooms Did you ever ask yourself: "How much psilocybin is exactly contained in my magic mushrooms / truffles?" Until now, there was no way for you [..] 22-01-2022 10 minutes Blog magic mushrooms All you need to know about tripping on magic truffles Tripping on magic truffles can be one of the best experiences of your life. Are you ready to trip on the best magic truffles available? If you are goi [..] 13-01-2022 6 minutes Blog magic mushrooms Grow shrooms? Read this review and grow magic mushrooms with easy grow kit Sometimes it's necessary to do something different. Especially with all the stress this corona crisis brings. It's nice to get off the daily h [..] 26-12-2021 8 minutes Blog magic mushrooms Celebrating Psychedelic New Year with Magic Truffles from Sirius smartshop Celebrating New Year's Eve is an important event of the year for many. How do you prefer to celebrate New Year? Can you still remember the unforge [..] 24-10-2021 8 minutes Blog magic mushrooms Strong hallucinations and visuals on magic truffle trip? Read about the possible effects You think you're all prepared for your magic truffle trip. You have read blogs about the right dosage, set & setting and made a comparison bet [..] 26-07-2021 9 minutes Blog magic mushrooms Grow your own mushrooms with Inner Visions Mushroom Growkit Manual Want to grow your own magic mushrooms cheaply and easily? You can do this with the help of a growkit. It's not difficult at all and you don't [..] 06-05-2021 9 minutes Blog magic mushrooms Interview: Being aware with Sirius Freshbox Gold Magic Truffles For this blog, I interviewed my good friend Chris to learn more about his experience with the latest Magic Truffle edition from Sirius: Freshbox& [..]
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