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Lessons from the Teachers
In this blog item
In this blog item 15 grams of Golden Teachers truffles divided into 2 tripsTrip 1: Visiting the AmazonTrip 2: Quantum jumping to other timelines

Lessons from the Teachers

I just had my fourth trip experience and am still enjoying the experiences I had there. 

A week or two ago I ordered some truffles from Sirius again, they really are a top shop! When I call they always speak to me well and from the conversation shows that they really know what they are talking about. That gives a good and reliable feeling.

15 grams of Golden Teachers truffles divided into 2 trips

The truffles arrived the next day, cooled and all! With again a few extra gadgets, among which some stickers of which one is now stuck on my JBL headphones.

This time I ordered the Golden Teachers and took the first half right away during the weekend. I had ordered 15 grams so had consumed about 7.5 grams. The penultimate time I had taken some truffles was about 4 to 5 weeks before.

Freshbox Golden Teacher magic truffles

Description Golden Teacher:

Happy, euphoric energy, strong visuals and auditory hallucinations. For the more experienced psychonaut, a beautiful inner journey, an explosion of happiness with strong hallucinations and distorted sound.

Effects Indicator          10 = max
Funny | Laughing           ******** 8
Body High | Energy        ******* 7
Hallucinations | Visuals  ********* 9
Auditive Hallucinations   ********* 9

I took the truffles on a Sunday morning around ten o'clock. I had not eaten anything before I took them, only drunk something (two glasses of water). While taking the truffles I did take some tea and in retrospect maybe too much, because I thought being sober was mostly about not eating.

Trip 1: Visiting the Amazon

This time it was honestly (initially) a little disappointing to me because I didn't feel that much of the Golden Teacher. Although I also put that down to the visual experiences of last time. I decided to just lie back on the couch and then gently entered into a stupor. Supported by relaxing music with water sounds, I opened my eyes into another world and was in the jungle on a wooden boat, in which I lay on my back and looked up at the trees we were sailing under. 

In my experience I was in the Amazon, in the silent presence of Indians who were carrying me around. It was a very relaxing and serene experience. But at the same time, I was aware that I was on the couch and that I was in another world of experience. Enjoying the experience I could also just think about certain things. 

One of the things I was thinking about was the power of thoughts. I thought, "How cool it would be if I could actually be with the Indians right now." At that moment I realized that that was actually possible.

Aware of my physical body I very gently opened my eyes and.... Shit, it's gone... I closed them again and thought: Oh, it's just an exercise and when you practice not everything works immediately. I was and still am convinced that it is possible to step into another reality with a physical experience. It probably requires a little more practice and experience or awareness.

In this trip (this was my third trip since I started with magic truffles) I was aware that I could perceive in 4 or 5 dimensions at the same time, which I found very special. For me that was another step in expanding my consciousness. In this context, with dimensions I mean for example my physical body, my thoughts, the other world (of the Indians in this case) and the thoughts I could have in that reality. And then hovering above it in its entirety to perceive it.

Trip 2: Quantum jumping to other timelines

Then the trip from which I am just now, at the time of writing, awakening. This was the second half of the 15 grams of Golden Teachers I had ordered two weeks earlier.

This time I took them on a Saturday morning, because I had an appointment the day after, which of course doesn't make any difference to the experience. Because I didn't feel much last time I deliberately drank less this time. I started the morning with one large glass of water and then took my +/- 7.5 grams of truffles. This time I also chewed them a bit longer to make sure all substances come out and are absorbed into my system as much as possible. After that I went for a walk with my dog and when I came back I had a cup of tea for breakfast. 

During breakfast I felt it had more effect this time. I occasionally focused on some different surfaces and saw some movement. When I saw this for the first time I thought it was very impressive. This time I saw it and thought: yes nice but that is not the experience I am looking for. Again after breakfast I settled on the couch in my favorite corner.

I soon sank into a stupor but this time was regularly disturbed by some members of my family. This was not a problem, because they also deserve the attention, but it interupted my trip. When I got some more time to sink deeper, at a certain moment I entered the universe which I perceived as frequencies that I could see in colors. Really awesome! I thought what am I going to see when I use the Cosmic Connectors a next time. Yes I have already made my choice for the next trip!

Cosmic Connectors Freshbox Magic Truffles

Description Cosmic Connectors:

Very strong with intense hallucinations, and a deep psychic trip. Feel connected to the Universe. The complete psychedelic trip for the experienced psychonaut.


Effects Indicator          10 = max 
Funny | Laughing           ******** 8
Body High | Energy        ****** 6
Hallucinations | Visuals  ********** 10
Auditive Hallucinations   ******** 8

So I was in the universe and was aware of the fact that everything is made up of frequencies. Because I was still occasionally disturbed by a question or just a sound, I was at that moment again in the 3D world. But as soon as I could I went back to the universe. This repeated itself a number of times, giving me the experience of moving from one reality to another.

At one point I saw the bandwidth of the frequency responsible for the 3D reality we call this world, where we live our (un)conscious lives. In the grandeur of the universe, this bandwidth was so incredibly narrow that at that moment I realized how much more there is than this 3D reality. I even saw that 3D realities exist in other frequencies as well. 

I perceived the bandwidth as a narrow slit. When someone asked me a question again (in this 3D reality) I flew with tremendous speed towards that slit and once I was in it I started to perceive again in the 3D world and quietly opened my eyes and... whoop, there I was again with my love.

So I slowly began to understand what it meant to quantum jump. So jumping to other timelines to create your own future. 

I also saw other things that are not so clear in my mind anymore, but one of those things was the following: Assuming that everything is frequency, so for example thoughts, feelings, hearing and images, I saw that our (and then I mean humanity as a whole) perception is trapped within a certain frequency range. I really saw it as a cage in which we are trapped, only we are not aware of it.

This again showed me the need to take time to expand our awareness so that together we can create a different world.

These are the lessons the Golden Teachers taught me. Not crazy for the times we are all in now I would say. 

I hope you enjoyed the story and that perhaps you can benefit from it.

For now I wish you a pleasant journey!!!


Kjeld, Fuld af Lys


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