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How to make space cake
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In this blog item History and chemistryRecreational or pain relief?How is spacecake made?How fast do the effects of spacecake come on?How do I make my own cannabutter?

How to make space cake

Eating your first portion of spacecake is usually a joyful event. It may have been the best piece of sweetness ever, with the high of your life on top of it. It's also possible that you'll end up in a rollercoaster with Mary Jane, which you hadn't counted on and with all the consequences. A warned man counts for two!

With the right preparation and extra knowledge you can become a master chef in the preparation of cannabis edibles!

History and chemistry

Approximately 1000 years B.C. cannabis was already consumed orally, on the Indian subcontinent, in the form of Bhang. This could be processed into a milkbased drink, which was heated and mixed with a pasta made of cannabis. Bhang was (and still is) used for medicinal and spiritual purposes.

At that time the Indians were already aware of the importance of heating cannabis. Cannabis in its raw form mainly contains THC-A and by heating this molecule is converted into the well-known substance THC.

Recreational or pain relief?

Currently, the states in the USA where cannabis is legalised have seen a huge increase in the production and consumption of 'edibles'. From winegums, chocolate bars, pizza to cannabis biscuits... it all exists.
These edibles are not only used recreationally, but also because one does not want to smoke, for example, or to alleviate certain physical complaints. The analgesic effect of cannabis is used by people who want to get rid of the morphine, for example. There are also many experiences known of people with Parkinson's disease, or severe epileptic seizures, who can suppress their symptoms by consuming cannabis.

CBD, another important substance from cannabis, is not psychoactive (it does not make you stoned or high), and can contribute to relieving pain and discomfort. CBD capsules are a way to easily take your daily dose of cannabidiol.

Tip: Choose a CBD-rich cannabis plant to grow for yourself, for example this delicious and fast-growing CBD Lemon Potion Auto from Barney's Farm.

How is spacecake made?

The difference with grandma's chocolate cake is the extra ingredient: cannabis! Usually the weed is processed into weed butter, also known as cannabutter.
The effect of eating cannabis is significantly different from smoking it. This is because the active substances are absorbed by your body in a different way. The most important cannabinoid, THC, is converted to 11-OH-THC. Because this substance breaks through the blood-brain barrier more easily, the effect is stronger. You can have a feeling that is more than just stoned or high, you are really spacing.

How fast do the effects of spacecake come on?

What did you eat beforehand and how long ago was this? A stomach full of sandwiches takes longer to process the piece of spacecake. This can mean that your friend who hasn't had breakfast this morning will be under the influence much quicker. In general, the effects occur between 1 to 2 hours and can last quite long. Not comparable to smoking a joint, or using a vaporizer, where you have effect after just a few seconds.

The golden rule is to wait at least a couple of hours before starting round two, even if it's still tasty!

It's also important to mention that the effects can last for about 4 to 6 hours, before you start sobering up. Up to 12 hours you can still experience slight after-effects.

Attention: Make sure at all times that children, ignorant people and animals can't get close to your cannabis biscuits and the like!

How do I make my own cannabutter?

There are different ways to make weed butter. You can then process this into an infinite number of recipes. Below you will find a quick and easy way to make your own weed butter. Use a precision scale so you know exactly how much material you are using!

Tip: Use cutting waste, the leaves of your cannabis plant also contain THC and can be put to good use.

Boil water in a pan, add x grams of weed. Let this simmer for a few minutes and then add the desired amount of butter. When the butter has melted, mix it with the water and sieve out the weed. Then let the butter mixture cool down. By cooling, the butter solidifies and is separated from the water. Pour away the water and you have your own cannabis butter!

In Canada and almost all states in the USA where cannabis is legalized, the legal dose of edible cannabis is 0.01 grams. When you want to prepare your own pastry, it is wise to decide how many portions you want. Then multiply the number of portions by 0.01 grams. For 10 portions, this is 1 gram of cannabis.

Tip: If you are a sweet tooth, it could be an idea to make your cannabis infused edibles a little less tasty by, for example, putting a large amount of grated ginger through the batter.


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