Make your own cannabis butter with this step-by-step plan: recipe + tips
Making your own cannabis butter is not difficult at all and super fun to use in all kinds of recipes with cannabis. I can still clearly remember eating the most delicious cookies with cannabis butter when I was in Spain. The effect of cannabutter is trippy; it gets you super high! Would you like to make your own weed butter? Then read about how you can do so in this blog.
Making cannabutter together according to an authentic recipe
I was standing in a tiny kitchen, making cannabutter with two friends. We followed an authentic cannabis butter recipe and used the best quality cannabis.
We had obtained this cannabis butter recipe from an old hippie who has lived in Spain for many years and could bake the most delicious cookies with cannabis butter.
This holiday memory evokes a delicious high that I got from this cannabis butter.
If you have a chance, also make this cannabutter according to this old hippie recipe and enjoy an intense and trippy high that feels very different from the effects of a joint.
Weed butter consists of only two ingredients: weed and (salted) butter. It is very easy to make and the only thing that is really important: use high quality ingredients for cannabis butter. This means well grown cannabis without pesticides and high quality butter, preferably organic.
This is going to ensure that your cannabis butter is top quality and you can make the most delicious recipes with cannabis.
A second important aspect of cannabis butter is its preparation: make sure you follow the step-by-step plan for cannabis butter properly and melt the butter au bain marie. This ensures that your butter for weed heats up gradually.
What do you need to make weed butter?
Below I tell you step by step what you need to make your own cannabis butter. If you have these ingredients at home, you will make the most delicious cannabis butter.
Use organic weed for weed butter
Your cannabis butter is going to have its own character because of the type of cannabis you use. Always use organic cannabis for making cannabis butter. This way, you know that you won't get pesticides and the like in your cannabis butter.
Many stoners use their best high quality cannabis in a joint, bong, pipe or vaporizer. The snippets and the less beautiful weed buds are perfect to use for weed butter. Leave the small twigs as well, as they also contain THC.
Tip: The cannabis growing season is almost upon us! Want to grow your own outdoor weed? Check out our Seedshop and Growshop for everything you need to grow your own weed!
Read this blog as well: Indoor cannabis growing with Sirius: one more time
Steps for making cannabis butter
Ingredients cannabis butter:
- 500 grams of butter
- Cannabis buds or cuttings (28 grams versus 56 grams)
- 2 cups of water
Further needs:
- Oven
- A large pan
- A smaller pan (for au bain marie)
- Sieve
Step 1: Decarboxylating the cannabis buds
The first and most important step of cannabis butter is decarboxylating the cannabis. By doing this, you activate the cannabinoids, including THC. Decarboxylating cannabis; how you do it:
- Preheat the oven to 110 degrees Celsius.
- Use a grinder to coarsely grind the cannabis buds. Place the cannabis tops on a baking sheet and place in the oven for one hour.
Step 2: Melt butter for weed au bain marie
In the second step, we are going to melt the butter au bain marie. We do this simply by taking a large pan and putting a quantity of water in it. Put the pan on the fire. Next, put a smaller pan or bowl in the large pan with water and make sure it does not touch the bottom of the large pan by letting it float on the water.
Melting the butter for weed au bain marie ensures that the melting process is gradual and reduces the risk of burning.
Put the butter in the small pan and let it melt slowly. Add the two cups of water to this.
Add the crumbled cannabis buds and stir to combine. Turn the heat down low. The butter and cannabis mixture should now be heated for quite some time so that the THC, CBD and other cannabinoids can get into the butter.
Step 3: Sifting the cannabis butter
Leave the butter and weed mixture on low heat for about 5 hours, stirring every hour.
When the time is up remove the cannabis butter from the heat. Pass the mixture through a sieve or cheesecloth and collect it in a bowl. You will now separate the weed pieces from the butter mixture. If all goes well, most of the cannabinoids are now in the butter.
Step 4: Cooling the cannabis butter
Allow the cannabis butter to cool further and then place it in the refrigerator. This way the butter will harden and separate from the water. After about 3 hours, remove the butter from the refrigerator and discard the water. Scrape the butter from the bowl and put the cannabis butter in a glass jar.
Step 5: Enjoy your homemade cannabis butter
Now your cannabis butter is ready! You can enjoy your cannabis butter by using it as is, for example smeared on a sandwich or between two cookies.
You can also use cannabis butter in all kinds of recipes with cannabis butter. The possibilities of cooking with cannabis butter are endless!
How long can you store marijuana butter?
Keep cannabis butter in the refrigerator. You can keep cannabis butter in the fridge for about 2 weeks. If you want to keep cannabis butter longer you can freeze it.
How strong is weed butter?
The strength of cannabis butter depends on the amount and type of cannabis you used for the recipe. Weed butter made with beautiful Amnesia Haze buds is going to be a lot more potent than weed butter made with cutting residue from a CBD dominant cannabis strain.
It is recommended that you test your homemade cannabutter first by using only a small amount of cannabis butter and seeing how you react to it. Increase the dose until you reach the desired effect.
Difference between cannabis butter and a joint
There are many differences in terms of effects between cannabis butter and edibles on the one hand and a joint on the other. The effects of cannabis butter come on later, this can take up to two hours! So wait long enough before you eat more cannabis butter. Furthermore, the high lasts a lot longer and can be more intense and trippy in nature.
Making vegan weed butter with coconut oil
If you're looking for a vegan alternative to weed butter, make weed butter with coconut oil, or coconut fat. The important thing is that you use fat, because the cannabinoids from cannabis, including THC, bind well to this.
Make your own cannabis butter?
Did this recipe make you want to make your own cannabis butter? If you do not have access to home-grown cannabis, you can ask the coffeeshop for (organic) cutting waste. This way, you can get started on making your own cannabis butter!
When the weather is nice and you can grow your own cannabis, you can look forward to having enough cutting waste to make your own cannabis butter.
photo: George Smith - Still Life of Bread, Butter and Cheese
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