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Happy World No Tobacco Day 2021! Read all about tobacco substitutes and healthy alternatives
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In this blog item Coronavirus and cigarette smokingWhy should you expose yourself extra to toxins?Tobacco substitutes and alternativesAre you ready to let go of tobacco?

Happy World No Tobacco Day 2021! Read all about tobacco substitutes and healthy alternatives

To create awareness, May 31 will be declared World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) worldwide. For the year 2021, the motto chosen is 'Commit to Quit'.

We celebrate this day with the launch of our Vaporizer Outlet! Further on in this blog, you'll read why we're so excited about vaporizers. So are you looking for a vaporizer and don't you mind using a previous model? Then we have several offers for you, on previous editions of well-known vaporizer brands, all under € 100.00! This means: High Quality Vaporizers For Low Prices! Available while our stock lasts!

Happy World No Tobacco Day! ??

The Sirius Team

Vaporizer outlet offers

Cigarette smoking isn't cool anymore. At least as far as I'm concerned. A few years back, when I absolutely did not know how to conduct myself around a group of people I didn’t know very well, I enjoyed holding a burning stick in my hands and trying to relax from the intoxicating vapour. I’m very glad I took the plunge and quit. If anyone can quit smoking, you can too. In this blog, I will help you on your way to a healthier life, without a cigarette butt!

With time, people are starting to become more aware about the consequences of smoking. And that's a good thing, because awareness will make sure a lot of (young) people simply don't want to start smoking cigarettes anymore. The better informed people are about the harmful effects of smoking, or any destructive behavior, the better they can make their choice. Quitting smoking is a choice you can make every day, every moment. 

Coronavirus and cigarette smoking

The current COVID-19 pandemic gives smokers an extra reason to stop their behavior once and for all. A virus that can cause serious respiratory symptoms is extra dangerous for someone who damages his or her lungs and throat by smoking. If you are afraid of the virus, it is very strange if you do smoke cigarettes in the meantime....

For some years now, there has clearly been increasing interest in healthy living. Being healthy is attractive and actually we knew that for a long time already. In our modern society, diseases of affluence are popping up everywhere. Even young people are increasingly susceptible to conditions and diseases including obesity, Diabetes, Alzheimer's and cancer. 

Perhaps in our current society a healthy existence with fresh, unprocessed food, sufficient exercise and little stress is not evident to many. Hopefully this will change so everyone can fully experience their health in this life. 

Take a look at the Healthshop of Sirius, here you will find various food supplements and products that contribute to good health.

Why should you expose yourself extra to toxins?

Another factor that plays a major role in our health is the extent to which we are exposed to toxins. Here we do not always have control. Chances are you live somewhere where the air is not clean. This is partly due to pesticides and other toxins that are widely used within industrial agriculture (so living in the countryside is not necessarily healthier for you) and traffic exhaust. 

If you then consciously poison your body with cigarettes, you’re asking for trouble. Smoking is no longer something to belong or to oppose (except to yourself). You are harming your health. The benefits don't outweigh the drawbacks. Besides, there are so many ways you can enjoy yourself without needing a cigarette to do so. 

Tobacco substitutes and alternatives

Quitting smoking may seem like an impossible task. Yet, in fact, it is not difficult. It can even be fun, really. I myself went through a process where I took it step by step. Tobacco substitutes like Knaster and other herbs are great tools to give yourself a spin in a different way, at a party for example. In this blog you can read all about the unique herbal blends and tobacco substitutes that Sirius sells.

Knaster Red      Knaster HempMellow Yellow Knaster

Smoking a joint with or without tobacco?

As a cannabis enthusiast, I fully understand that rolling a joint can feel like the performance of a sacred ritual that cannot be changed. My favorite rolling paper, yes even my favorite lighter were important components. And of course tobacco. Here you can read my personal view as a stoner on the use of tobacco. And the benefits I got from my conclusions!

Do you smoke and are considering investing in a decent vaporizer?

The market for herbal vaporizers is constantly growing. At Sirius you can find a selection of rock solid models with a very nice quality/price ratio. However, it remains an investment for many people and it is understandable that you want to make sure you will actually use it. Making a good choice and choosing a model that meets your needs is the beginning of a success story. 

Vaporizers offer a powerful and flavorful experience, where the active ingredients are vaporized from the plant and then inhaled. No combustion takes place, as in smoking a joint. This makes the use economical (you need much less weed for good results) and you don't get any toxins. Here you get an overview that is useful when setting the temperature of the vaporizer

Also interesting: Volcano Hybrid vaporizer from Storz & Bickel.

Pure joint, pipe, bong or non-electronic vape

There are other ways you can enjoy cannabis and herbs without the use of tobacco. In this blog, I'll give you several options, all of which have their own benefits. 

Are you ready to let go of tobacco?

Sirius shows you that smoking tobacco is completely unnecessary. If you have any questions about our tobacco substitutes, herbs or cannabis products, send us a message or give us a call

Enjoy your unique life on this planet to the fullest. 

Good luck with everything, you can do it!


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