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First time Magic Truffles (Dolphins Delight Freshbox)
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First time Magic Truffles (Dolphins Delight Freshbox)

Sirius is a TOP SHOP!!! For me this was the first time I wanted to consume truffles. The employee who spoke to me on the phone really took the time for me and explained a number of things well. The next day I received the package, neatly packaged with some extra gadgets and a coolpack so my truffles came in nicely cooled. The next day I had my truffle breakfast and I had a great time. This was definitely not the last time. I'd like to tell you about my experience.

I bought the Dolphins Delight truffles, 15 grams, half of which I used for my first trip. Still a bit exciting for the first time. The experiences I had were very similar to the description that is given for these truffles

Omschrijving Dolphins Delight:

Energetic, funny, euphoric, mild hallucinations. Perfect for entering the wonderful space of magic truffles.

Effects Indicator          10 = max
Funny | Laughing           ******** 8
Body High | Energy          ******* 7
Hallucinations | Visuals  ********* 9
Auditive Hallucinations    ****** 6

I took the truffles 2nd Easter morning around 10:00. My ega went to breakfast and I started the truffles on my empty stomach. The taste of the truffles is not necessarily very nice, but not awful either. The taste is a little nutty and the texture and hardness of the truffles is something like a soft walnut. I chewed the truffles very consciously to experience the texture and taste to the maximum, but also because everything is then better absorbed into your blood. 

The aftertaste of the truffles is slightly sour and that is less tasty, but hey... you don't eat it for the taste. But it is not rancid. During the trip I just drank some tea and coffee, and only ate a cookie I think.

Emerging effects

The effects of the substances emerge very subtly, which gives a nice safe feeling. After about 20 minutes I started to experience something very light and after 50 minutes it was complete. Because 7,5 grams is not that much, the experiences were not very extreme. I'm glad I started carefully, but in retrospect I could have started with 10 grams.

During the trip I had some ambient (soundspaces) music playing in the background, which totally fit the setting. In the beginning I was still reading, but when the effects became stronger I put my book away and just started to enjoy the experiences to the max.  

The trip experience

What I found special about my experience was that all surfaces with a certain structure or image (mainly images with a repeating pattern) came to life. For example, the back of the couch began to breathe quietly. That was the 3 dimensional effect, but the structure of the fabric of the sofa turned into a kind of LED scrolling sign where all kinds of image passed by. The structure of the fabric looks like small squares of 3x3mm, that's how the fabric is woven, and these squares turned into a kind of (weak) LED lights. Hence the "LED scrolling sign".

But they were not only images but also a kind of kaleidoscope effects. Strangely enough, I saw these mainly on the horizontal parts, i.e. the seating area, and the images on the backrest. The strange thing was that when I moved my head the images remained concentrated on the pixels and the image did not move, but remained fixed on the spot where the light was.

Besides the visual effects, I also felt very peaceful and calm. At the beginning I also started to laugh spontaneously sometimes, delightfully. Based on this I would almost say that truffles are kind of healthy too!

The whole trip lasted about 2.5 hours with about half an hour upslope and half an hour downslope. So in total 3,5 hours of which 2,5 hours at its maximum.


Around noon the effect slowly began to wear off and we went to the woods for a nice walk. Even when it had completely worn off, I still had a very peaceful and relaxed feeling for the rest of the day, more than usual. So yes... actually I enjoyed the whole day, you could say. I also slept very well that night, just like I usually do. The next day everything was as usual, happy but without the special effects of the truffles.

I plan to slowly increase the dosage and experiment a bit with different kinds. Besides the fact that it gives a great feeling, I would like to use the truffles to expand my consciousness and find answers to important life questions. I am really curious about what other kinds of Magic Truffles have to offer.

My partner did not really support me doing this but fortunately I persevered. She was there the whole time which I found very nice and we laughed together, and now she knows it's not all that bad. 

Bad trips

If you start reading about it on the internet the words "bad trip" stick in your mind the quickest because then your fear is triggered and I also understand that it is important to mention the possible disadvantages or unpleasant experiences. But my experience is (admittedly from one trip) that it is important that you prepare well by reading up on what it can do, but above all that you look forward to having a special experience. I can well imagine that if you are going to eat truffles because you think it can solve something for you but you actually find it a bit scary that the chance of a lesser experience increases.

I myself am very creative and very visually oriented and can also imagine that it is easier for this type of person to look forward to it because they already have a large imagination.

For example, on vacation when I am very relaxed and I look a little longer at the grass I am sitting on, I can also see the grass breathing quietly or making waves. I do have to concentrate a bit then, but apparently some substances are released at a certain place in my brain. So in that sense I was not entirely unfamiliar with visual effects but conjuring them up like that is not possible. And that was also the reason for me to try some truffles and that I had no fear for a "bad trip".

I hope to have more different and stronger experiences in the future.

I can only say: Do you want a special experience? Try some Magic Truffles (carefully) !

For now I finish my story and who knows until next time. 

Bye bye for now!


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