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Smartest Vaporizer for Weed: DynaVap VapCap 'M' 2021 review
In this blog item
In this blog item A vaporizer for connoisseursVaporizing with the DynaVap VapCap 'M' 2021The DynaVap philosophyThe components of the 'M' 2021 Manual Weed Vaporizer Vapcap 'M' 2021Pluses and minuses of the DynaVap VapCap 'M' 2021    Plus points    Cons

Smartest Vaporizer for Weed: DynaVap VapCap 'M' 2021 review

For quite some time now I have been having fun with my last purchased vaporizer. It has been to many festivals, concerts and other outings. I would like to share with you why I am so enthusiastic about it.

The VapCap 'M' 2021 and the VapCap ‘M’ 2021 coloured from DynaVap is a unique portable pen vaporizer that I had not seen before. A super small device and an innovative vaporizer. I was already excited about small portable vaporizers. But the DynaVap VapCap 'M' 2021, cannabis and a lighter: that's all you need to get started with this vaporizer. As long as the lighter is full, so long are the vape sessions. Because recharging is not necessary. All very handy on the road of course. It is available in several colors. What makes me most happy is the performance of the VapCap vaporizer. 

A vaporizer for connoisseurs

Last year I had the honor of judging samples at the Homegrown Cup and the Highlife Cup, the two most famous cannabis cups in the Netherlands. To make a joint of all these samples to judge them, is not to do and moreover a waste. A wineologist or sommelier does not drink an entire glass to evaluate a wine. If you use this vape the right way, you can make a nice vapor with a small amount of weed, with a rich flavor where you can perceive the terpene profile optimally. With the beautiful styled design of the DynaVap VapCap 'M' you can show up at any cannabis event.


Vaporizing with the DynaVap VapCap 'M' 2021

DynaVap wants to introduce every cannabis consumer to combustion-free consumption. No more burning your weed in a joint, pipe or bong, but vaporizing it. This way you reduce the risk of ingesting tar, soot and other harmful toxic substances that are released during combustion. The cannabis is not directly heated by the flame, so no hot particles enter your lungs either. Once you have a little experience with the DynaVap VapCap 'M' 2021, you will know exactly how long and how often you can heat to get the right vape experience for you. If you stop heating right when it clicks, most of the flavors will come out. If you heat a little longer you will get a thicker vapor with a more powerful effect. Heating the VapCap is best done with a jet-flame or turbo lighter. I have not used the induction heater myself yet.

The DynaVap philosophy

DynaVap products are designed and manufactured in the U.S. The company's philosophy is to create high quality products that are continually developed through the feedback they receive from their consumers. The products are made with sustainably sourced titanium, steel, wood and glass. The VapCap 'M' is made of stainless steel, which makes it a rugged portable vaporizer that can take a beating. The polished exterior gives it a solid look. The design is simple, but very thoughtful. 

The ease of use is one of the plus points. Because the vape is made of high quality materials, it is easy to keep clean and you will enjoy time after time how the DynaVap VapCap 'M' takes the taste of your weed to a higher level. In execution, it is a simple device which makes it relatively inexpensive, so any consumer can start vaping dry herbs. 


The components of the 'M' 2021 

The size of the VapCap 'M' is very small. With a length of 9 centimeters and a diameter of 1 centimeter, it belongs to one of the smallest portable vaporizers. It consists of four parts:

  1. The condenser. A small tube through which the vapor is sucked in. The tube is made of thin steel which makes it easier to release heat to its surroundings, creating a cooler vapor. Because you can take the tube out, it's easy to keep clean and ready for a fresh new start.

  2. Middle Sector. The condenser is slid into the middle sector and is sealed by two rubber rings. The middle sector is the outer part of the VapCap 'M' and also holder of the Tip. At the mouthpiece a rounding has been milled. This makes your lips fit well and makes it a pleasant mouthpiece. The other end is made rougher so that you have a better grip on turning the vape when heating up.
    There are flat pieces in the middle to hold it securely during use. The two holes on one of the flat pieces are to control the airflow. You can use your fingers to open or close the holes to draw in more or less extra air.

  3. Tip. The bottom portion is slid into the center sector and the top portion is the loading chamber. The ridges around the tip provide additional conduction in supply and removal of heat. The capacity of the loading chamber is not large. Which it really doesn't need to be. So it gives you the chance to taste many more different strains of cannabis without the effect becoming too overwhelming.
    You can compare it to a Pax 2 or a Pax 3 with a half-pack oven lid. To prevent bits of cannabis from getting into the suction tube, there is a mesh on the bottom of the chamber. By pushing the mesh deeper or shallower into the chamber, you can adjust the content. The mesh is replaceable and available in stainless steel and titanium.

  4. Cap. Not just any cap. No, they thought about this cap very carefully. When you heat the cap, the metal expands. It is designed so that at a certain temperature, due to expansion, a deformation occurs at the cap. This can be heard by a clicking sound, the "Click".
    When the cap has clicked, the charging chamber has warmed up enough to vaporize the cannabis properly. The extended part of the cap is made for removing the vaporized cannabis from the VapCap 'M'. Because the tab is slightly curved, it is very easy to clean and prepare this vaporizer for another run.

Manual Weed Vaporizer Vapcap 'M' 2021

Meanwhile, I know a few people who also use this vaporizer regularly. So I see that everyone uses their DynaVap VapCap vaporizer in their own way. It's also personal to everyone what you put in the vaporizer, how much and how you heat it. I personally stuff the VapCap nicely with my homegrown organic cannabis. With a grinder I grind the weed fine. But I don't press it too hard to have a good airflow and so the heat can spread evenly through the weed.


Heating can be done with any lighter, even a lighter with a normal flame. Here the temperature of the flame is lower than with a turbo or jet flame, but good enough to reach the "Click". Do hold the VapCap 'M' in the blue part of the flame directly above the lighter itself. This is the hottest part of the flame and if you do it right, you will see that the yellow part of the flame is almost gone. The yellow part is the coldest and contains the waste products of the fire. If you heat it in this way, the VapCap will turn all black due to soot. Because of the slower heating, you then have to rotate the vape less quickly for proportional heating. 

A turbo or jet-flame lighter is preferred and gives the best results. They produce more heat, and the pointed flame allows you to more precisely pinpoint the location of the heating. Hold the VapCap just above the visible part of the flame and rotate it quickly to avoid disproportionate heating and even burns. A rotation speed of about one rotation per second is sufficient. The DynaVap VapCap 'M' 2021 is designed so that rotating it with one hand is nice and smooth. Normally you take a lighter in the hand you use to write with, turn it around for a moment and use your writing hand to hold the vaporizer.

I myself use a lighter with a double jet-flame. This way both flames already heat almost half of the circumference of the VapCap cap with much more heat. More heat also means spinning it faster. I put it on the edge of the table and let the cap of the vaporizer stick out a few inches. I turn the DynaVap logo up and place my fingers on the center sector. By moving my hand back and forth I can rotate it very easily until the logo comes up again and back. In this way, I rotate at a rate of about two revolutions per second and the DynaVap VapCap 'M' 2021 vaporizer is ready for use in 15 to 20 seconds. 

When a subsequent click is heard this announces that it has cooled too far to vaporize. I can then heat it two more times and the herb will have evaporated.

Caution! The vaporizer cap is still very hot after use. Set it down on a stone or metal surface to cool it down faster, but watch out for any burns or soot stains. When it has cooled I put it in a ziplock bag, that way no one smells anything.

Pluses and minuses of the DynaVap VapCap 'M' 2021

    Plus points

  • Easy to take with you due to its small size.
  • Charging is not necessary. With a spare lighter in your pocket you are always safe and immediately ready to use.
  • High taste experience.
  • Good vaporization.
  • Low purchase cost for a high quality vaporizer.


  • Less discrete heating up. Opposed to an electric vape that lets you warm up in the palm of your hand.
  • The outside, especially the Dyna Cap, gets very hot and stays hot for a long time.
  • Small charging chamber.

Yes, I am very satisfied with the VapCap 'M' 2021 and the VapCap 'M' 2021 coloured from DynaVap. It has become a faithful travel companion. Price, ease of use, taste, performance, in all areas this one scores high marks for me.

Are you interested in this vape, in another portable pen vaporizer, perhaps a tabletop model or are you looking for accessories and spare parts? Then you are very welcome at or in one of the physical stores. Also take a look at the offers for vaporizers. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


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