What are the differences between CBD weed and THC-rich cannabis?
CBD weed is on the rise. Even the most seasoned stoner sometimes forsakes a THC-rich joint to try out a CBD weed. Why wouldn't you? CBD weed doesn't give you the psychedelic high that gives you munchies and gets you spaced out on the couch for hours, but has a subtle calming effect that's ideal for any time of day. What exactly are the differences between CBD and THC?
The best CBD strains from reputable cannabis seed brands
The range of CBD cannabis seeds is expanding. Every year, seed banks such as Royal Queen Seeds, Barney's Farm and Green House Seeds come up with new strains that are rich in CBD.
There is something for every stoner: there is CBD weed with very low THC percentages, so you hardly get stoned or high but mainly benefit from the effects of CBD. Furthermore, there are also weed varieties with equal percentages of THC/CBD. Stoned, but not too high and extra much CBD to dampen the effect of the THC.
What are the differences between CBD and THC?
While CBD and THC are both important components of cannabis, they have some distinct differences.
The similarities between CBD and THC are that they both come from the plant Cannabis sativa and are used for numerous medical applications, for example as medicine for various conditions including physical pain and sleep problems. However, there are also distinct differences between THC and CBD, which are listed below:
- Not psychoactive
- Occurs mainly in hemp
- Suitable for children and animals
- Legally available
- Psychoactive
- Found predominantly in the cannabis plant
- Appetizing
- Very careful with children and animals
- Illegal in many countries
What effect do THC and CBD have on each other?
THC and CBD are both found in the cannabis plant. We can distinguish between the cannabis plant and the hemp plant. Hemp can be legally grown in many countries because it contains hardly any THC and, on the contrary, larger amounts of CBD.
The whole spectrum of cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant work together. THC and CBD have an effect on each other and this is also called the entourage effect. The synergistic effect between the different cannabinoids also has an influence on the effect you experience.
The effect of CBD on THC is that it tempers the high. People who are sensitive to the psychoactive effect of THC can take some CBD with a joint.
Are THC and CBD legal or illegal?
THC causes a mind-altering effect, also known as a high. The effect is psychoactive and even psychedelic, if different from, for example, magic truffles.
Although THC is natural, not physically addictive and very safe, it is still banned in many countries. Even in the Netherlands THC is officially prohibited. Fortunately, it is tolerated and in principle you can have up to 5 plants to grow weed for your own use without any problems.
More and more countries are realizing that making THC legal is a very good idea. Meanwhile, in the United States, weed is becoming more normal and THC-rich products are legally available in many states. It's booming business!
Germany has also recently decided that it is done with the illegality of weed. Three cheers for that!
CBD products are usually made from hemp. The hemp plant usually contains negligible amounts of THC and is grown to make textiles, rope, and paper, among other things. Hemp is also grown to manufacture CBD products. In many countries, growing hemp is legal.
Why do people use CBD cannabis?
THC and CBD are both cannabinoids: constituents of cannabis. As far as we know, they are the main components from the cannabis plant. THC and CBD both have unique properties that are still being studied by science.
Nowadays, more and more cannabis users are interested in the calming potential of CBD. In the past, the focus of recreational users of marijuana was mainly on getting stoned or high with large amounts of THC.
In coffee shops, you can still find cannabis strains with huge percentages of THC. In the seed assortment of the Seedshop at Sirius you will also find marijuana strains that can give you the high of your life. But weed doesn't have to be all about THC and thankfully more and more people are realizing how versatile the cannabis plant is.
CBD weed is gaining popularity and for a variety of reasons. Below is a list of reasons why people use CBD weed.
CBD weed can be medicinally interesting
As I wrote in my previous blog, scientific research on CBD is promising. Did you know that this recent study from 2022 shows that CBD may inhibit the corona virus, thus preventing corona illness? That's fantastic news!
Note: this is about medicinal grade CBD, used to treat people suffering from epilepsy. So smoking a CBD joint is not going to help against the corona virus. On the contrary, smoking is harmful to the lungs and therefore not recommended if you want to protect yourself against the corona virus.
CBD weed is legal in many countries
In many European countries, including Belgium, it is still illegal to carry your own cannabis in your pocket. Nevertheless, you can often find CBD weed of varying quality in a tobacco store without any problems. This is CBD weed with less than 0.2% THC. You cannot get stoned or high from this. For users who can't get weed, this is a legal alternative.
CBD weed offers a good change from THC-rich weed
Many stoners take a break now and then, where they don't smoke weed for a while. Very smart, because this way you train your body not to become too dependent on cannabis. Moreover, it makes the high 100% better, when you can also be sober. For many stoners, CBD weed offers a good solution to bridge a THC-free period.
Even though it's not the same: good CBD weed feels familiar, smells deliciously like ganja and gives a nice, subtle effect without getting stoned.
Users are not just looking for the high, but for something else
It is interesting to note that more and more different people are starting to use cannabis products, for different reasons. Not just to be under the influence, like the image of the classic stoner who likes to be high, but also by a person who just doesn't want to be under the influence and is still interested in cannabis products.
In the smartshop at Sirius all sorts of people come from very different backgrounds, all interested in products made from the cannabis plant. There are people who are sick and want to treat their symptoms with a natural CBD-based product.
There are also students who want to alternate their cannabis use with CBD. For example, to learn not to depend on THC-rich weed, but also to temper the psychoactive effects of THC. A CBD oil is ideal for this purpose.
Check out the CBD Shop from Sirius and order CBD oil online
Sirius' online shop continues to improve itself to provide our customers with the best experience possible. Not only do we believe it is important to pay attention to the best CBD products, we also try to provide the most accurate information possible about CBD products.
Our customers have unique wants and needs, so it's important that we establish a personalized path and recommend the right CBD product.
Simply put, there are a variety of CBD products, each with its own strength and composition. For the novice user, it may be advisable to start with a low CBD percentage, or choose a mild CBD cannabis strain.
Whether you use CBD oil or vaporize CBD weed in a vaporizer, it is advisable to build up your dose slowly. CBD works differently on everyone. Some people benefit from a light amount of CBD, while others need the strongest CBD oil. Do you have questions about CBD oil or do you not know which CBD capsules are best? Contact Sirius for all your questions about cannabidiol.
You can also visit our physical smartshops in Maastricht and Roermond. Here you get personal advice and you can choose from our wide range of CBD.
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