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Does CBN have the same relaxing properties as CBD?
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In this blog item Medicines containing cannabinoidsHistory of CBNTherapeutic possibilities of CBDCBD oilCBD capsulesCBD weedWhat is CBN?Effect of CBNEffects of both CBD and CBNDifferences between CBD and CBNOpting for a CBN-rich weed variety at Green House SeedConclusion

Does CBN have the same relaxing properties as CBD?

Today I'm diving into the world of cannabinoids and this time I'm not focusing on the world-famous substance THC, nor on its sister CBD, but on a lesser known member, namely CBN, short for cannabinol.

THC is something I don't need to introduce. By now even the old-fashioned neighbor across the street knows what it does: it is the main ingredient in marijuana and is responsible for its psychoactive effect.

Most people have heard of CBD nowadays. Maybe you use cannabidiol yourself, as a therapeutic agent to soothe muscle pain, or to address your sleep problem. Did you know that the hemp plant possesses many other medicinal compounds? This time in the spotlight: CBN. How does this cannabinoid differ from CBD and what are its main properties?

Medicines containing cannabinoids

More than 100 different cannabinoids have been identified in cannabis to date. The therapeutic properties of these compounds are currently under investigation. Science is still reluctant to make grand pronouncements about cannabis. Governments also do not readily approve the use of these substances as therapeutic agents. However, more and more scientists are daring to speak out about the medicinal power of this plant, which for so many years was seen as a black sheep by the media.

In the United States cannabis is not accepted as medicine. However, isolated cannabinoids have been approved and in the form of recognized medications.

For example, in the U.S., there is an official medication that may be prescribed by doctors called Epidiolex. It contains an extract of CBD and is used to treat people with a severe form of epilepsy. 

Furthermore, there are also two forms of medication that contain THC, Marinol and Syndros. These are used to combat nausea and vomiting, two side effects of chemotherapy. 

More research is needed to substantiate other medicinal properties as well. Until then, we'll have to look at recent studies and, of course, anecdotal stories from patients who use cannabis to treat numerous illnesses and ailments.

History of CBN

Did you know that CBN is the first substance ever isolated from cannabis? This was in 1800. By comparison, THC was not isolated for the first time until 1964! 

We know that CBN is found in very small amounts in cannabis. Especially in older plants, which have been stored somewhere for some time and exposed to air and (sun) light, larger amounts of CBN are found. Fresh and young cannabis plants contain the lowest percentages of CBN. 

THCA (the raw form of THC) is converted into CBN; this is part of the aging process. Like CBD, this substance does not cause you to get stoned or high, but can provide a therapeutic effect that provides calmness and a better body experience. 

What are the differences between CBD and CBN?

CBD, meanwhile, is available in various forms in health stores and Sirius' range. You can find this molecule in dietary supplements, including capsules, oil and tea. There are also various CBD cannabis seeds available. By now, a lot is known about this interesting substance. Several cannabis enthusiasts prefer a CBD-rich cannabis strain because it can provide extra relaxation and pain relief. 

Now we want to know exactly what the differences are with CBN, a lesser-known cannabinoid that is gaining ground. We know that the two molecules share certain similarities. Yet they also have their unique characteristics. Perhaps CBN is interesting for you!

Therapeutic possibilities of CBD

CBD is a non-psychoactive substance found in Cannabis sativa L. Naturally, many cannabis strains do not contain large amounts of CBD. However, over the past few decades, science has uncovered the therapeutic properties of CBD. Hence, more and more growers have started to develop CBD-rich strains. Nowadays, it is possible to grow your own CBD-rich cannabis strain, with special seeds that contain almost no THC. This is interesting for people who are not looking for a (strong) high, but mainly want to benefit from the calming and sleep-inducing properties.

Many patients use CBD as a complementary medication. CBD can help alleviate side effects of medications such as sleeping pills and painkillers. CBD is available in several forms, some of which are highlighted below. 

CBD oil

Most users opt for CBD oil. With this, it is possible to determine your optimal dose all by yourself. Meanwhile, there are large differences in the strengths of this oil. For example, you have CBD oil of 2.75% CBD. This is relatively low and is interesting for users who need a light supplement daily.

In comparison, CBD oil of 25% is very high and a few drops already provide a solid dose of cannabidiol. This is usually chosen by patients suffering from a serious illness, such as cancer. 

CBD capsules

Convenient on the go and already dosed in advance. So you know that per capsule, for example, you get a dose of 8 drops of CBD oil. An additional advantage of capsules is that they only open in the stomach, so the oil can do its work from deep inside. This is in contrast to taking drops, where a portion is already absorbed in the mouth and intestines.

CBD weed

For those who prefer to use CBD cannabis, there are options as well. Many users who want to use less THC-rich cannabis are switching to CBD weed. There is still room for the ritual of smoking a joint, or enjoying the aromas through your vaporizer. For several users, the best results are achieved by combining a CBD cannabis strain with CBD oil or CBD capsules. For example, people choose to dose using capsules during the day and a dose of CBD-rich cannabis at night before bed.

What is CBN?

CBN has been discovered for quite some time. Even before science had its sights on THC, CBN had been successfully uncovered. Yet there is still much to be discovered about this substance. Only fairly recently has science begun to pay more attention to it. The chemical is similar in action to CBD and has the same calming capabilities. Interesting fact about CBD: the substance originates from THC that has been exposed to air and (sun) light for a long time and has therefore started to decompose. Cannabis smokers have probably inhaled CBN without even realizing it. 

Effect of CBN

Although more research is still needed to discover the exact effects of CBN, science agrees that CBN contains interesting properties that can be used as a complementary therapeutic agent. 

  • Muscle relaxation: CBN can be used by athletes to help with more relaxation of the muscles and the relief of muscle pain. Sports require the cooperation of various muscle groups and it is important to take good care of them before and after sports. Even people who do not exercise or do very little exercise, taking care of the muscles is important. For example, many people who sit at a computer for long periods of time experience muscle cramps in their hands and may suffer from tight muscles in the neck and shoulders. Taking a CBN supplement can help you relax better. Here I would like to add that it is important to also make room for physical exercises or choose to incorporate yoga. 
  • Mental relaxation: it looks like CBN also has a calming effect on the mind. No wonder when you consider that body and mind go hand in hand! So a relaxed body makes for a calm mind and vice versa. CBN can contribute to an improvement in mood. 
  • Pain relief: from preliminary research, CBN seems interesting as an additional means of treating pain. 

In short: CBN appears so far to be extremely suitable as a supplement for people who suffer from tension problems or are mentally restless. Also for people with, for example, ADHD or ADD CBN can be interesting. From preliminary research, CBN seems to provide the most relaxation of all cannabinoids. 

Effects of both CBD and CBN

As mentioned earlier, there are several similarities between the two cannabinoids. The following is an overview:

Both substances are non-psychotropic, meaning you won't get stoned or high from them

They are two cannabinoids that can help you relax and unwind better, both physically and mentally. 

Differences between CBD and CBN

In terms of differences, for now there are a number of points that can be mentioned. In the future it is possible to add to this list. We must also remember that everyone reacts differently to a substance. It could well be that the differences are more obvious to certain people and that they prefer one of the two substances.

  • CBN seems to be especially suitable as a means to relax, while CBD is also interesting as a way to be more alert.
  • CBN is created through the breakdown of THC, while CBD is created in living plants
  • CBD increases the number of endocannabinoids in the body
  • More information is available on CBD and it has been better studied than CBN

Opting for a CBN-rich weed variety at Green House Seed

On many levels, the Green House Seed company scores very highly. There are plenty of fans who know that the marijuana strains they offer are of the highest quality. Want to grow your own marijuana strain and are interested in more than just THC? At Green House Seed they also neatly tell you what the CBD percentages are and even how much CBN is present in the variety in question. 


As you can read, there is still a lot to be gained in cannabinol research. Besides CBD and CBN, there are about a hundred other cannabinoids that still require further research. What we do know is that all these different substances together provide an extra powerful effect, the so-called entourage effect. So it's best to choose a supplement or weed variety that retains as many active ingredients as possible. 



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