CBD for pets
Just like humans, higher animals (mammals) have an endocannabinoid system. This means that they are able to recognise substances from the hemp plant as substances specific to the body through this system. Because of this, these substances, called cannabinoids, are easily and problem-free absorbed by the bodies of humans and animals.
Just like humans, animals experience emotions and are sensitive creatures that need to be treated gently. Taking care of a pet is therefore a very responsible and instructive process. Getting to know your four-legged friend well requires attention and silence, because they can't speak the way we do and will show you non-verbally what they need and don't need.
Identifying a disease in your dog or cat is often difficult. Changes in behaviour, at a glance, in the shine of the coat, can indicate a complication. Of course, you should immediately consult a veterinarian who can better identify what is wrong with the animal. Especially when you have had a deep bond with your animal for years, you only want the best for him or her. It is important to know that in many cases CBD can work just as well as in humans.
Is my dog getting stoned by CBD Oil?
It's important to make the difference between cannabis oil and CBD oil. Cannabis oil contains THC, the best known substance from cannabis, which many people are interested in: it causes the stoned or high effect. Furthermore, THC can also have therapeutic value and help with many conditions. However, it is also a strong psychoactive substance, making it certainly not suitable for everyone.
A dog or cat should never be given cannabis oil, too little research has been done to find out what exactly happens to an animal. Chances are that they will only feel very sick from this.
More and more carers of pets choose for a CBD product, to remedy ailments and pains of the animal. CBD can be used for animals with joint pain, anxiety and stress, sleep problems, epileptic seizures and inflammations.
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive substance found in the hemp plant. In combination with THC, CBD makes you feel calm and relaxed and is less likely to become restless or paranoid from the effects of THC.
Only CBD also has soothing and analgesic properties and can contribute to a better sleep rhythm and more relaxation in the muscles.
Find the right CBD dose for your pet
CBD is a very safe product, without side effects, that can be taken in combination with medication. It is not possible to take an overdose of CBD, although it is always recommended to start with a low dose. Every body is different, both human and animal. It is quite possible that your little dog has a 'sweet spot', for example three CBD drops, twice a day. This is an ideal dose for her, in which she is clearly calmer and has less pain. A higher dose does not necessarily mean that her symptoms will diminish. Maybe it just makes her drowsier.
In 2018 the first clinical trial was conducted on dogs with arthritis. Some of these dogs were given CBD and some were given a placebo. After the study was completed, more than 80% of the dogs that were given CBD appeared to have a reduction in pain and no adverse side effects.
It is not (yet) possible for veterinarians to prescribe CBD products for animals.
The dosing of CBD is, as mentioned before, a matter of starting low and possibly building up until the 'sweet spot' is found.
In the aforementioned study, a dose was maintained that corresponded to quantities used in studies with humans, which had an effect. This was between 1-5mg CBD per kilogram of body weight. Ultimately, 2mg per kilogram of body weight was chosen for the study. This dose was given twice a day.
However, it is possible that your large golden retriever does not need as many drops. A few drops of a slightly stronger CBD oil can do all their work. It also depends on the complaints of the dog. Are they mild anxiety symptoms, or is the dog in a lot of pain?
The CBD capsules of Jacob Hooy are also suitable for animals. Keep in mind that in 1 capsule Jacob Hooy Capsules 10mg CBD. Capsules are easy to mix with pet food and are stomach acid resistant. The advantage of this is that the body can absorb the cannabidiol deep from within.
CBD Treats for dog and cat
Do you have a picky dog or cat? The Cibapet CBD Treats are specially designed for your dog or cat. These delicious sweets can be given in this way and are supplemented with fish oil, vitamin E, protein and fibre.
Difference between dogs and cats
It is important to mention that more research has been done on CBD in dogs than in cats. The research that has been done shows that a cat seems to process CBD faster than dogs. This means that a new dose is needed more regularly.
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