CBD: a range of applications
A lot of research has been done on cannabidiol, a compound found in the hemp plant. The therapeutic potential is being experienced by more and more people, and is preferred to the many pain relievers that often have all kinds of unpleasant side effects. The body reacts very well to cannabidiol, or CBD.
We contain an endo-cannabinoid system that, like the immune system, regulates all kinds of vital functions. Think of: sleep, state of mind, pain regulation and appetite. If this system is unbalanced - and this is probably the case for many people - you can develop all kinds of ailments. You may have a hard time falling asleep and wake up regularly. Maybe you have a disturbed appetite, hungry all the time, or not at all? When you experience a lot of muscle pain, your body is probably in desperate need for balance. A busy mind, full of tension, fears and stress, translates into a cramped physical feeling. CBD can offer support and pain relief.
On the internet you will find endless articles, experiences and information about CBD. It is clear that many people benefit from CBD products. The New York Times describes how an 11-year-old boy with severe epileptic seizures, benefited enormously from CBD.
Properties of CBD
- Pain relief
- Relaxing the muscles
- Reduces anxiety
- Reduces strokes
- Anti-inflammatory
- Neuronprotection
- Balances blood sugar levels
- Helps with Crohn's disease
Since the THC percentage in CBD products is minimal, there is no chance of getting 'high' or 'stoned'. CBD is a very safe drug and an overdose is not possible. Sleepiness can occur in high doses. It is therefore always advised to start with a low dose.
At Sirius.nl you will find a range of CBD products, each with their own unique properties. Depending on your question, you can find out what best suits your needs.
CBD oil with terpenes
Research into terpenes shows that there can be all kinds of health benefits associated with it. Terpenes consist of the largest group of plant compounds with a specific aroma. Think of pine, lemon, lavender... Not only are these delicious fragrances and can therefore have a calming effect alone, those compounds can be beneficial for your health when absorbed by the body. The different terpenes have their unique properties. Cibiday makes clever use of this. CBD is combined with different terpenes in order to work specifically on certain complaints and needs.
Detoxify your body
Have you recently quit smoking and still feel the dirt in your system? Are you curing a (persistent) disease? Do you intuitively feel the need to cleanse yourself from fatty and sugary foods? To give your body a helping hand, there is a special Cibiday Detox CBD oil with added terpenes that help detoxify your body.
Today's disease causes a lot of unnecessary suffering: stress! Deep breathing is made more difficult, resulting in an oxygen shortage and the body switches to survival mode. CBD Terps Oil Indica has the profile of the Indica cannabis plant and is aimed at physical and mental relaxation. It can be extremely beneficial when you feel you have to take a step back and don't want to keep on racing. This oil can also help with sleeping problems.
Strengthen your immune system
Black cumin seed oil, scientific name Nigella Sativa, has been a widely used remedy in the Middle East for all kinds of diseases for centuries. Originally the plant comes from the southwestern part of Asia. Here in the West it is still a relatively unknown product. Time to dissect this powerful oil! Especially fighting skin complaints, inflammation and strengthening the immune system are attributed to black cumin seed oil. This is all thanks to the special composition of vitamins A, B and C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc and all kinds of valuable trace elements that support and protect the body. Furthermore, black cumin contains strong protective fatty acids. Linoleic acid, stearic acid, arachidic acid, palmitoleic acid, myristic acid. The latter is often added to skin ointments because of its positive effect.
What CBD percentage suits you?
- CBD 20%
Do you have severe physical complaints and are you taking medication? It is possible that your body needs a higher CBD percentage. At Cibiday you will find CBD oil 20%, a very concentrated CBD oil of which you only need a few drops. Note: in high doses, this oil can make you very sleepy. CBD is safe to use with medicines such as morphine, but always consult a doctor when you want to reduce your medication.
Full spectrum or pure CBD?
Jacob Hooy developed two types of CBD oil with a lower CBD percentage. The oil of 2.75% CBD has a dark colour, while the oil of 5% is golden. How is this possible? Well, full spectrum means that different substances together create a certain effect. The dark coloured oil contains besides CBD also other substances from the hemp. Cannabis contains more than 400 different chemicals. Of these, 61 are cannabinoids. Cannabinoids react to the endo-cannabinoid system that our body contains. Although in the medical world you will find a lot of medication that contains only the active ingredient, in nature you will find a combination of (sometimes hundreds of) different substances. In this way, the beneficial effects could penetrate even deeper into your system.
Jacob Hooy's golden 5% CBD oil is full CBD oil, supplemented with hemp seed oil. For many people with complaints 5% is an ideal amount of CBD. For example, start with 5 drops in the morning and 5 in the evening. This way you can slowly build up your dose, if necessary.
From the inside out
Jacob Hooy offers a variant of the 2.75% CBD in capsule form. There are about 8 drops in one capsule. An extra advantage: the oil makes its way through the esophagus and when the capsule dissolves in the stomach, the beneficial effects of CBD can be absorbed deep into the body and work deeply from the inside out.
A healthy exterior
Poor skin has many causes. The sooner you give your body a helping hand in the healing process, the less serious the symptoms can become. Usually it's especially important to heal from the inside out and thus get a beautiful skin, healthy hair and strong nails. However, in order to alleviate conditions such as acné en eczema, Cibdol has developed creams that can help with this.
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