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Couch lock, munchies, blazed: how stoned do you get from cannabis?
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In this blog item Cannabis as a medicineWhat does your cannabis use look like?Taste sensations, aromas and effectWhat to do in case of paranoid feelings?What to do if you get a food craving, or the munchies?Cannabis and sex

Couch lock, munchies, blazed: how stoned do you get from cannabis?

My love for cannabis is great. This love I have developed gradually and was not instilled in me. My parents are more 'alcohol-friendly' than 'cannabis-friendly'. This is because alcohol is now considered more normal and even 'cosy', while the image of a joint, or the smell of weed, still evokes illegal (and therefore 'bad') connotations. 

I am thankful that I have gradually shown my family that cannabis certainly does not deserve the status of an illegal drug, but may be considered an ancient medicine and pleasure. Whether I will ever eat space cake with my family, I am not sure, but the debate is open and the associated CBD products are now widely accepted and appreciated. Unfortunately, many cannabis users still have a difficult time convincing others that their behavior need not be as harmful as feared! 

On the contrary! The "harmfulness" of cannabis lies in the fact that it is often smoked. Replace this toxic way of consumption by the use of a vaporizer, or the making of edibles and you have therapeutic means for body and mind. For everything, depending on the dose, a drug becomes a poison. As with other 'habits', it is quite possible that you use more of something than is good for you. However, I think it's very appropriate that cannabis is now increasingly being placed in the same line as other established psychoactive substances including coffee (caffeine), alcohol and tobacco. 

Cannabis as a medicine

In addition, of course, there is cannabis that is used (and cultivated) by patients to treat their symptoms. 'Medical Marijuana' is even prescribed by certain doctors. Unfortunately, this is still too often a complicated process, to qualify for this procedure. Many patients therefore get their medicine from home, by taking matters into their own hands. That way you know exactly what you have, whether your product is organic and safe. 

Dive into the Sirius Growshop for all your supplies to get started on this yourself! This medicinal cannabis is used as pain relief, as a way to sleep better, to relax the muscles and to relieve depressive symptoms and anxiety. Be sure to check out the Seedshop Offers page for various promotions on cannabis seeds.

What does your cannabis use look like?

It can be interesting as a cannabis lover to dig into your memory and discover the lineage of your cannabis use. When did your love begin? What kind of user are you?

Cannabis is versatile and can be utilized in many different ways. For me, cannabis is a medicinal stimulant that allows me to relax, look at thought constructs from a different angle, and enjoy my senses in a more intense way. I have personally gone through a whole process of trying, discovering, tasting and experiencing. I had a whole period, of more than a year, in which I did not touch a crumb of cannabis (except for its non-psychoactive content CBD) Also interesting and definitely recommended if you feel you need a break, which with any psychoactive drug is smart to do from time to time. If only to then enjoy it extra hard!

Taste sensations, aromas and effect

Not every cannabis user has such a refined nose as you see in wine tasters, who can place the bouquet of the product in an instant. It wasn't until I started using vaporizers that I got better at placing the different tones, terpenes and aromas. Just as my love of cooking causes my taste buds and sense of smell to develop and become more sensitive to certain subtleties, I also get more of a nose for certain cannabis scents and flavors. 

Then the effect comes into play there as well! A fresh citrusy smell and spicy flavor of Tangerine Dream from Barney's Farm go well with her delicious, energetic and creative high.

Unlike a strain with such a bold name as Braindamage, from Grower's Choice. This heavy boy guarantees the phenomenon of "couchlock," where you can literally be glued to the couch at times. The ultimate feeling of being stoned, for some this is heaven on earth.

What to do in case of paranoid feelings?

Personally, I like more the energetic, psychedelic strains like Amnesia Haze. Nothing like getting sucked into the brush strokes I put on paper, or dancing (for example, to the album H Friend by Black Devil Disco Club). 

Being high together can also be a fine moment of connection, where you can find yourself in great conversations, full of new insights, exciting theories, and breathtaking hilarities. But what if you or your friend becomes paranoid?

Feeling anxious or paranoid is certainly possible with cannabis use. Some people are more susceptible to it than others. It also has to do with the type of weed you use, where (too) strong coffeeshop weed can trigger these feelings more quickly. Finding out what your sensitivity is (and that of your friends) can only come about by trying it out and always dosing properly. Some tips:

  • Take CBD oil: this non-psychoactive cannabinoid balances the effects of THC. THC is largely responsible for any paranoia. A few drops under the tongue of a stronger CBD percentage can work wonders in a short time. I personally recommend Cibiday Terps oil, or Jacob Hooy 10%
  • Drink a cup of tea: sounds simple and it is. For me and my friends this is an effective way to become calmer. Whether it is also scientifically substantiated I do not know. The warmth of the drink has something relaxing about it, especially if the tea is based on calming herbs, such as valerian.
  • Drink water: Drinking a few sips of water can also be calming, especially if you had too little fluid in your body (which is the case for many people).
  • Know who you are using cannabis with: for me, being stoned with other people is an intimate moment in which I make myself more vulnerable. Certain feelings can be amplified. So if I don't feel completely comfortable with someone when I'm sober, it will probably only intensify under the influence of cannabis. In that case, it's better not to use. But even with someone close to you, using cannabis together can sometimes be intense. Maybe you or your partner need space and time for yourself. If so, give each other that and let each other go. 

What to do if you get a food craving, or the munchies?

Oh yes, I know the munchies. And you probably do too. Sometimes it is almost inevitable that you reach for a delicious snack in your high and go a little too far. Regret is then the irrevocable consequence and that is a pity.

First of all, I try to leave these feelings of regret behind as much as possible, no matter how difficult it is. It's annoying when you've eaten really nauseatingly, but it doesn't get any better by being mean to yourself afterwards.

There are certainly some tricks that can come in handy when you feel the urge to snack again:

  • Determine your portion in advance: it can be helpful to break off a piece of the bar of chocolate you have in your cupboard and present it on a nice platter, perhaps alongside a handful of nuts and a few pieces of "satisfying" fruit (in my case, exotic fruits like mango, avocado and pineapple). Agree with yourself that you will no longer nose around the kitchen or pantry. 
  • Make a big pot of tea and drink plenty of water: this is a very good way to keep yourself from snacking too much when you are completely blazed. Water makes you feel fuller and tea still gives you that feeling of comfort. 

Cannabis and sex

Cannabis intensifies your senses. Eating a ripe, juicy mango creates an explosion of flavor in your mouth.Listening to music takes on an added dimension, allowing everything to come through crystal clear and almost visual. 

Touch also becomes more sensitive and intense. A massage, for example, can be even more wonderful, with your muscles relaxing even deeper and you can feel tingling all over your body. And sex can feel even more like merging with the other and taking pleasure to a higher level. 

Happy smoking!


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