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17-06-2021 9 minutes Blog cannabis All about hemp: from protein-rich superfood to sustainable building material The possibilities of cannabis are endless. Did you know that our green friend is capable of much more than you might think? It's no coincidence th [..] 16-04-2021 7 minutes Blog cannabis Countdown to 420: Make Cannacinos and Firecrackers, queue up the best stoner movies As a cannabis lover you will have heard of it or will have read about it somewhere. 420, a term associated with cannabis. The day of April 20 (in Amer [..] 02-04-2021 14 minutes Blog cannabis Responsible cannabis consumption Cannabis is classified as a drug in the Netherlands. Although it is a soft drug, excessive use can lead to problem use. In general, drugs are divided [..] 19-03-2021 7 minutes Blog cannabis Tips for the best cannabis plants in 2021 We are in the year 2021! A year in which people will hopefully continue to be committed to our planet earth. While I believe that the governments, pre [..] 15-03-2021 7 minutes Blog cannabis Which cannabis strain suits you best? Are you also one of those tree-hugging bio weed freaks like me? Or do you not care how organic your cannabis is? Cannabis is increasingly recogni [..] 05-03-2021 8 minutes Blog cannabis Blunt, vape or bong: how do you use cannabis? When I get to know a new stoner, I always enjoy seeing how he or she rolls a joint. Lots of tobacco, little tobacco or a tobacco substitute? Is it a t [..] 05-02-2021 7 minutes Blog cannabis Couch lock, munchies, blazed: how stoned do you get from cannabis? My love for cannabis is great. This love I have developed gradually and was not instilled in me. My parents are more 'alcohol-friendly' than & [..] 05-01-2021 8 minutes Blog cannabis Cannabis as (self) medication I am thankful that I am healthy and vital outside of migraine. Through my work I have often come into contact with people who use cannabis as a me [..] 12-12-2020 6 minutes Blog cannabis Advantages of growing cannabis for personal use Although more and more people are discovering the benefits of cannabis, it is still banned in many countries. Sirius also opposes the large-scale cult [..] 29-09-2020 8 minutes Blog cannabis CBD, THC and other Cannabinoids The interesting world of cannabinoids is still under investigation by science. What is the effect of these different substances and what are their app [..] 15-09-2020 7 minutes Blog cannabis History of Cannabis: The Netherlands and Legislation The legal status of cannabis is changing worldwide. In the US as well as in Europe and elsewhere, cannabis is increasingly regarded as a tolerated min [..] 07-09-2020 7 minutes Blog cannabis Enjoying cannabis together (in times of corona) Nowadays cannabis is more respected and appreciated in certain parts of the world. Interested parties include policymakers and companies. In the US, a [..] 22-06-2020 8 minutes Blog cannabis Weed and Health I will start with telling that I was quite an early bird: when I was fourteen I smoked my first joint. Friends had been doing it a bit longer, and you [..] 11-05-2020 5 minutes Blog cannabis Differences between Sativa, Indica and Ruderalis Most users have heard of Indica and Sativa. Weed is divided between these two strains (together with Ruderalis, more on this later). But what is the d [..] 29-04-2020 4 minutes Blog cannabis How terpenes work In the time of the Ancient Egyptians the powerful scents of plants were already used. In the tomb of Tutankhamun a number of pots have been found cont [..]
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