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Can psychedelics help manifest my dreams?
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In this blog item The power of your own thoughtsMagic Mushrooms and Ayahuasca hold up a mirror to usTripping with psychedelics and learning to let go of fears

Can psychedelics help manifest my dreams?

Although you can say a lot of bad things about this strange time in which we live, as a positive note I can say that it strikes me that it makes people creative. Perhaps out of boredom, because suddenly there are so little fun things to do, or because they finally find the time and space to realize that one project that has been nagging in their minds for ages. 

I take my own mother as an example. The house she lives in (and where I grew up) has several ramshackle flaws, which she has been struggling with for a long time. As a single mother with three children and a job as a writer, her attention was largely absorbed by everyday life and she found almost no time for other things. Through the years there has certainly been a lot of work done on the house. I remember my younger brother, my mother and I were working with hammers and nails and driving poles in the ground to make a new fence for the garden. Inside we painted walls and scraped off old wallpaper. In small steps the house was refurbished here and there. With the help of friends, family and workmen (plumbers, roofers, etc.) a number of larger projects were realized, such as insulating the roof. This cost a lot of money and was therefore a big investment for my mother. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of work to be done. It takes daring and enough space and time to start something you would have wanted to start years ago. Now that my mother suddenly has much more time 'thanks' to this corona period, she has finally started with the part of the house that has always been a thorn in her side: the kitchen. As a child I got used to the fact that everything was extremely cramped and you couldn't actually be in it with more than one person at a time. Since the kitchen is usually one of the most crowded areas of a house, it wasn't very cozy. Either you were constantly getting in each other's way, or you were standing alone, stirring in a pot and staring at the unfinished walls. The kitchen cupboards belonged to the previous owners and begged to be replaced. When the old stove finally broke down, it was about time for a change. 

Since I am currently living abroad, my mother keeps me up to date through pictures. And proud that I am! It's wonderful to see that with her own knowledge and ability she is making her dreams come true, even though they were on a low level for a while. Now she has gathered the courage and decisiveness and is taking control of her own life. Do you do that too? 

The power of your own thoughts

Just as my mother was inspired to tackle her home, I see many others around me with a renewed energy making their dreams come true. I myself know all too well the feeling of not moving forward, overwhelmed by the multitude of 'what is yet to be done', and a feeling of not having enough time or energy. Fantasizing about all your possibilities and not daring to take any steps in the meantime. That is a pity, because I believe we only let ourselves be held back by our own thoughts. Thoughts can be seen as energy and thus have a certain power within them. Try to observe what is actually going through your head on a daily basis. Are there many dark thoughts, for example fearful thoughts about the future? What are your dreams? What do you want to manifest in your life?

According to Sadhguru, an Indian philosopher with interesting insights, as a human being you have the power to make everything in your life you dream of come true. The only thing that stops you is yourself. So as soon as you stop limiting yourself and fully go for what you want to achieve, you live in your power and discover your own strength. It sounds simple, doesn't it? We let ourselves be stopped by thoughts like: 'I don't have time', or, 'I don't have money', or 'I'm not smart, handsome, good enough'.... All these limiting thoughts about ourselves have a strong influence on our lives. Often we get so used to this self-critical voice that we don't realize that it is absolutely not the truth and that it stops us in many different ways in our personal growth and the realization of what we really dream of. Just as my mother threw overboard her limiting thoughts about her own possibilities and dared to go to work, I hope that you too will find the courage to believe in yourself. 

Magic Mushrooms and Ayahuasca hold up a mirror to us

The fact that thoughts are not just 'fantasies', but have their own energy and have a great influence on reality, I learned during my travels with psilocybin and Ayahuasca. Psychedelics have the unprecedented power to hold up a mirror to us. Sometimes disarming, sometimes frightening and unsophisticated; we can see without filters how we really are, where we fail ourselves and the world around us, in what ways we hold ourselves back. Because boundaries can blur in a trip and with it certain fixed beliefs, we can experience a sense of freedom and space in which anything is possible. This freedom made me see crystal clear that I am not a 'victim', but that I can make a choice every time: do I make myself happy or unhappy? 

During a trip with Ayahuasca I was overwhelmed by the realization that I am the creator of my own reality. I was confronted with my own responsibility. I couldn't blame anyone for my misfortune, or feeling that I wasn't living the life I really wanted. My experience made me realize that I am without doubt the creator of my own reality. The relief and the almost ridiculous realisation that I could put an end to my supposed suffering in a snap of my fingers. 

Now I do not want to say that a psychedelic experience causes all your problems to be solved at once. It is still you who will have to do the work afterwards. Psychedelics can show you certain pain points that can be confrontational and at odds with what you are trying to tell yourself every day. Things you think, what you are going to believe in and that manifest themselves in your reality. 

Tripping with psychedelics and learning to let go of fears

I don't have my own house (yet) and the renovation of a kitchen is not my first concern right now. Having my 'own place', in which I can build something, is not yet an issue for me. What do I want to manifest? I want to keep the dreams I have as pure as possible and in line with my own story or 'legend'. At the moment I read 'The Alchemist', by Paulo Coelho, for the second time. This book describes how the main character follows his own legend, in order to come to the key of his happiness. Just as this is the case for the main character, this also applies to me: travelling is important at the moment. Becoming detached from the home front and navigating the deep water, without being held by the hand. This way of broadening my horizon, I can link it to a magic truffle trip or Ayahuasca ceremony. The jump into the deep, the old and trusted release means coming out of my comfort zone. There I learn about my fears and how to deal with my 'dark' side. And at the same time I see that the world contains many possibilities and that I can rely on my own power, the power to create my own reality. Whether you are on the other side of the world, far away from home, or have ended up in another universe during a psychedelic experience, these moments of travel can be very valuable if you want to stimulate growth within yourself, giving yourself a boost and starting to manifest the world you want to live in. 

Not only substances such as psilocybin, DMT and mescaline can help you grow your faith in yourself. Life itself offers numerous possibilities in which you can seize an opportunity and move forward. Even this corona time can be seen as an instructive journey, on which we as humans can get a different view of ourselves and the world around us. It depends on how you look at it!


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