Buying Christmas gift : psychedelic ideas for your stoner friend or dear psychonaut
Christmas, of course, is more than giving Christmas gifts to your loved ones. Traditionally, this is a time of joy during the dark winter period. It is a celebration of cozy togetherness and a lot of social obligations. Nowadays Christmas is a celebration that mixes Christian tradition with old Germanic customs and a pinch of capitalism. With this blog, I want to honor the tradition and inspire the reader when buying a Christmas gift for a dear friend who has a heart for smartshop products like psychedelics, smartdrugs and cannabis.
The psychedelic history of Christmas
Did you know that Christmas has a very interesting psychedelic history? The figurehead of Christmas is, of course, Santa Claus. The story of Santa Claus is pretty trippy: a magic bearded guy who loves nothing more than delivering Christmas presents with the help of his sleigh and flying reindeer. When Coca Cola ran with it, Santa's appearance changed quite a bit, transforming him into a fatter, commercial Santa Claus.
Before that, however, Santa was depicted as a small man who looked like a troll. Typical of Santa Claus is the red and white robe he wears.
The source of this psychedelic history is most likely the red and white mushroom: the fly agaric (Amanita muscaria). This psychedelic mushroom, like magic mushrooms, provides a hallucinogenic experience. Supposedly, the story of Santa Claus originated in a time when shamans in Siberia ate mushrooms to get visions in order to help the community.
Christmas is descended from the midwinter festival, also called winter solstice or yuletide. This is a tradition of the Old Germanic people and was meant to chase away evil spirits from the darkness and welcome the light.
Also read this blog: Amanita Muscaria, Shamanism and Santa Claus
Drinking pee from tripping reindeer at Christmas?
Another fun fact about Christmas and its psychedelic history: reindeer also love the trippy fly agaric and love to eat it when they come across the psychedelic mushroom in the woods. Reindeer start to behave strangely because of it, and this is probably what humans started to notice. Then someone got the idea to drink reindeer urine. Interestingly, active psychedelic components of the mushroom remained in the urine, but some of the toxins of Amanita muscaria had broken down. In other words, the result of drinking pee from tripping reindeer is a more pleasant hallucinogenic experience. Whether it's a recommended one I can't tell you.
In any case, eating fresh Amanita muscaria is strongly discouraged. Never just eat a wildly picked fly agaric. Tripping on the fly agaric is not without danger: in addition to the psychoactive substance muscimol, the mushroom also contains various toxins that can cause a very painful and nauseating experience. By drying the mushroom you can break down some of these toxins.
Do you feel like tripping yourself? Then choose from magic truffles or magic mushrooms that can be bought in the smartshop.
Christmas gift ideas for stoners and cannabis lovers
What's more fun than lying stoned on the couch with your friend? The delicious high and mouth-watering aromas of a blissful Kush, combined with a lovely dreamy ambient playlist and a soothing CBD tea. As a Christmas present, there are plenty of ideas to make your stoner friend happy. Of course, an ounce of home-grown organic cannabis of medicinal quality is the nicest Christmas present you can get and also share with each other.
Biotabs Starterpack
Someone who loves cannabis is often motivated to grow their own. Are you sure that your stoner friend would like to grow his or her own cannabis, for example in the garden? Then a perfect Christmas gift for cannabis lovers is the Biotabs Starterpack. This starter pack contains everything you need to grow cannabis on 1 square meter (enough for 5 plants).
Biotabs was founded by a Dutchman who has brought the best quality organic cannabis growing nutrition to the market. The Biotabs Starter Pack includes organic NPK fertilizer, bloom boosters, mycorrhiza enhancers and more.
Biotabs The Organic Growbook
This book is a true bible on organic plant care and a great Christmas gift for stoners. It contains beautiful pictures and clear explanations, especially designed for the organic cultivation of crops, including cannabis. Written by the founders of the company Biotabs. Not only is it a practical book, it also philosophizes about how we can treat nature and how we can make a change in a world where chemical pesticides are the norm. Highly recommended and perfect to give to someone (or yourself) as a Christmas gift.
The best psychedelic Christmas gift for psychonauts
If you're like me-someone who feels a great love for psychedelics-there's a good chance your friends will love this too. I attract psychonauts and they automatically become my new friends. Then we can philosophize for hours about the effects of ayahuasca, the best magic truffle trip and the benefits of microdosing with psilocybin. With Christmas just around the corner and everyone breaking their heads over the best Christmas gift, it's time to list the best Christmas gifts for psychonauts.
Freshbox Magic Truffles Mystery Mix: magic truffles as a Christmas gift
Perhaps the most festive Freshbox Magic Truffles from the Sirius range are the Mystery Mix Green, Orange and Purple. These were created just before we celebrated 25 years of Sirius smartshop. For Christmas, it is also a great Christmas gift to give your favorite psychonaut a serving of magic truffles. Sirius magic truffles are fresh and can be kept in the refrigerator for a long time.
Give a mescaline cactus as a Christmas present: Peyote, San Pedro or a Bolivian Torch?
Who wouldn't be happy with a beautiful cactus as an ornament in your room? A mescaline cactus is beautiful to look at and you can see it as a pet that you take care of and get a lot in return. Cacti can become very old. If you buy someone a small Peyote cactus as a Christmas present you can mention that it can take many years before the Peyote is ready for harvesting.
The San Pedro cactus is a more typical cactus (unlike the Peyote, the San Pedro cactus has spines) and grows a lot faster than the Peyote. For less patient psychonauts the San Pedro is a better choice. If you take good care of this cactus it can grow several meters tall. It is possible to harvest a part and let the rest of the cactus grow further. This way you have a Christmas present that continues to grow and from which you can continue to harvest.
Hallucinogenic seeds for a psychedelic garden
As a Christmas gift, give psychoactive seeds that you can sow in the garden. We can already look forward to spring. The best Christmas gift for a psychonaut is therefore hallucinogenic seeds for his or her garden. Sirius smartshop sells several psychedelic seeds, including Morning Glory and Hawaiian Baby Woordrose. The seeds of this beautiful plant contain the hallucinogenic substance LSA, which is a precursor to the synthetic substance LSD. Like LSD, LSA produces an intense trip, though it differs in certain ways.
Also interesting: Create your own Psychoactive Dream Garden
Christmas gift package: Sirius smartshop healthshop capsules
Vitamin D: Christmas is a time of coming together and bringing light into the darkness. The cold winter months can create a somewhat dark mood. Little sunlight is therefore a major problem for many people. A deficiency of vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, can have nasty consequences for your health. Sirius smartshop sells vitamin D capsules, a nice gesture for Christmas for your loved one.
Vitamin C: Giving a Christmas gift to someone in the form of a winter health kit. A nice Christmas gift for your loved one. During this corona period, it is extra important for everyone to be healthy. A Christmas gift for your health is only complete if it contains a good dose of vitamin C. Now, of course, you can put some spinach leaves and some oranges in the package. Or you can opt for vitamin C effervescent tablets, for sale in the Healthshop of Sirius smartshop.
Christmas gift package: Sirius smartshop Smartdrugs
For Christmas, give a Christmas gift in the form of a Smartshop package. Put together various smartdrugs from the Sirius smartshop. Giving a Christmas present can be stressful. Which smartshop product is the best Christmas present? Compose your own Christmas gift from the smartshop, consisting of various small Christmas gifts. A selection from our collection:
IQ Brainbooster: the best product from the smartshop of Sirius and should definitely not be missing in your Christmas gift for your psychoactive friend. IQ Brainbooster is the best smartshop product that makes you even smarter! Thanks to various herbal extracts, including Bacopa monnieri.
Maeng Da Green Kratom: An interesting Christmas gift is to give kratom. A Christmas gift that is unique, exciting and has a relaxing effect. Instead of a bottle of wine, you can give Maeng Da Green kratom for Christmas along with some other smartshop products like IQ Brainbooster and love chocolates.
Love chocolates Guarana, Muira Puama and Blue Lotus: make the Christmas gift complete by adding aphrodisiac chocolates like Love chocolates. A chocolate Christmas gift with just that little extra: chocolates filled with herbal extracts of aphrodisiacs. These are sexually arousing extracts from plants such as Blue Lotus and Muira Puama. Or choose from the Love Bonbon Energy with the addition of guarana.
Celebrate Christmas with Sirius Smartshop
Sirius wishes everyone a wonderful Christmas. A moment of being together, to the extent possible during the Christmas lockdown we currently find ourselves in. Our physical smartshops in Maastricht and Roermond are ready for you during this period and you can easily place your order online and have your products delivered at home or pick it up in one of our physical smartshops. Only Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 December we are closed. Merry Christmas!
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Morning Glory
LSA seeds