Buy 3MMC?
At Sirius we have been receiving quite a few calls regarding 3-MMC => 3-Methylmethcathinone, also known as Poes (Dutch streetname for 3-MMC), 3M, Metaphedrone, 3-MeMMC, 3-mephedrone, 3-methyl-N-methylcathinone. 3-MMC is a so-called research chemical, also called designer drug, or "New Psychoactive Substance (NPS)", which is absolutely not harmless! Because of the many questions we receive in our Sirius Smartshop Roermond and Sirius Smartshop Maastricht, and also at our customer service, we decided to publish this article about 3-MMC.
We don't sell this drug and want to inform you about the short- and long term damage 3-MMC will cause to body and mind and especially that users report that it is very addictive; both mentally and physically. We therefore advise you not to continue your search at other shops and certainly do not go to home- or street dealers!
We have never sold and will never sell research chemicals, because the most important characteristic of research chemicals is that nothing is known about their short-, medium- and long-term effects on health. Users experiment with these substances in the most literal sense of the word: they turn themselves into human guinea pigs, with all the risks that entails!
Documentaries about 3-MMC
To give you more insight into how harmful and addictive 3-MMC is, we share the following documentaries with you. Please note that both video's are spoken in Dutch, and only the second video has subtitles (check your settings in Youtube). We advice you to search for 3-MMC video's about harm reduction in your native language.
Addicted Boaz and Mulu | "I drug myself so I don't feel anything anymore":
Mulu on addiction: "Hell is the place where no one can hear or see you, but you can hear and see everyone."
I was awake for 6 days | Danny's World:
Natural alternatives
We started our smartshop formula in 1995, to offer just legal safe natural alternatives to dangerous illegal synthetic drugs, accompanied by as much expert product information, safe usage advice and education as possible; all in the context of enabling safe experimentation and above all "harm reduction".
We advise you on 100% natural alternatives to research chemicals, which you can safely enjoy without the dangerous side effects.
With us you are at the right place, for safe products that make your life a bit more fun!
Take a look in our Smartshop or Magictruffleshop, or call our colleagues from the customer service for advice. Would you rather read everything at your own pace? Then be sure to check out our encyclopedia and blog.
Choose Safety! - Choose Life! - Choose Sirius Natural Smart Products!
More info about 3-MMC
Check the following links (most of these websites are Dutch, use an online translator tool such as
wat-is-3-mmc- -
overige-middelen/wat-is-3-mmc -
drugsinfo/3-mmc/feiten -
jongeren-greep-vernietigende- partydrug-3-mmc-ze-ogen- lamgeslagen -
antwoord/wat-is-3mmc/ -
2365389-artsen-zien-vaker- vergiftiging-door- designerdrug-3-mmc-de-jongste- was-15.html -
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