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The best Smartshop products for Autumn and Winter 2022
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In this blog item TeaHealthshop teaCBD teaHealthshop products Torch Flame Lighter Mushroom grow kits – 100% MyceliumIndoor Growing Equipment

The best Smartshop products for Autumn and Winter 2022

Summer has come to an end, and here in the Netherlands, it gets dark and cold pretty quickly. This can be an annoying time because we are not used to the lower temperatures and the increased rainfall, and sometimes this can cause bodily irritations, physical and psychological. Some people experience so called ‘seasonal depression’, which means that their mood drastically alters with the changes in temperature and daylight. On the other hand, this can also be a time to explore the beautiful changes of nature and spend more time inside with yourself and/or with your loved ones.

Luckily Sirius Smartshop has a wide range of products that are perfectly suited for autumn and winter: From tasty teas, healthy supplements to handy Headshop gadgets; in this blog I want to review some of my favorite products that get you through autumn and prepare you for the start of winter.


I'm a big fan of tea, but in summer I don’t drink is as much as in winter and autumn. This is most likely because a warm tee tastes best when you are inside, wrapped in a cozy blanket, while it is cold and rainy outside. Sirius offers a lot of different teas, that suit every kind of personal preference, in the healthshop and CBD shop:

hemp teacbd tea

Healthshop tea

Our healthshop offers a wide range of teas that are beneficial for your health. Take for example Taka Turmeric, a passionate company that produces different kinds of teas that all contain curcumin, the active ingredient of curcuma. Curcumin is known for its anti-inflammatory effects and spicy aroma, and it is combined with for example Hibiscus and Cinnamon or Ginger and Lemon.  A nice thing about Taka Turmeric teas is that they are relatively cheap, especially if you consider how healthy and tasty they are! Check out our healtshop teas now if you want to discover more! 

CBD tea

Tea containing Cannabidiol (CBD) also has benefits for your health and is usually made directly from the hemp plant, which guarantees a nice taste. Personally, the Jacob Hooy CBD teas are my favorite because they combine healthy ingredients with a good taste, for example in the Hemp-turmeric Tea or the Hemp-Ginger-Lemongrass Tea. Jacob Hooy CBD teas come in nice paper packages that are environmental friendly. If you prefer raw tea that is not already put in little bags, then you should check out Dutch Harvest teas, which are mixtures of herbs that you can process any way you want to. If you want to learn more about the beneficial properties of the cannabinoid CBD, then you can read this Blog about CBD tea or this Encyclopedia text about CBD.

Healthshop products 

mood doctor

Autumn, and especially the winter that follows, is a time where it gets more and more difficult to take good care of your health. First of all, there is less sun. If you work a lot, it can feel like you are spending all of your free time in the darkness. This does not only negatively affect your mood, but the lack of vitamin D, which you usually obtain from the sun, also impacts you overall health.

Luckily the Sirius healthshop has a solution for that: we offer multiple vitamin D containing supplements so that you can make sure you get enough of it. Vitamin D capsules are offered by Puori, a company that is known for producing top quality health supplements.

Besides that,  there is even CBD oil with vitamin D. Check the CBD products with CBD with vitamin D from Jacob Hooy.

jacob hooy cbd oil 5% with Vitamin D3

If you are looking for a general supplement that covers all of your nutritional needs, you can buy the Puori Multivitamin and Minerals capsules. Specifically suited for vegans!

vitamin D 3

Lastly, if you or one of your loved ones is struggling with seasonal depression, I suggest you to wait before you take chemical antidepressants (that have a lot of side effects), and instead explore Mood Doctor.

Mood Doctor is a natural supplement that is manufactured by Sirius. It contains multiple different ingredients, all of which are plant-based and not synthetic. It is a natural, light alternative to harmful antidepressants and can help you stay more content and optimistic throughout your dailly life. Perfect for days on which you feel a little down!

Warning: if you are struggling with a mental condition, always talk to a medical professional before you take anything. If you have more questions about Mood Doctor and/or similar products, do not hesitate to contact our customer support.  

Torch Flame Lighter 

torch lighter

One thing that is particularly prominent in the Netherlands is that there is often a lot of wind. Combine that with rain and lower temperatures and it becomes pretty hard to smoke a joint outside. Still, sometimes you want to experience your cannabis high outside with fresh air around you, and in my opinion, there is nothing better than a joint in the cold when you are dressed warm and cozy.

Still, the wind can become a big problem, whether you prefer a joint, a pipe or anything else. That’s why the next product I want to highlight is the Easy Torch Jet Flame. Independent of wind and weather, this lighter is guaranteed to work and light up your joint easily. It is an extremely useful companion for the colder seasons.

Even in summer, when you are in a windy area like the coast of the Netherlands, it is always useful to have a powerful lighter that works no matter what with you. The turbo lighter does the job equally well and is available in a cool and colorful design. Choose whatever you prefer the most, and you can also check out our headshop for more lighters!   

torch lighter

Mushroom grow kits – 100% Mycelium

mushroom grow kit

Autumn is the season where you can go out into the forests and find kilo's of wild mushrooms. I love going for a walk in the afternoon and come home with a full bag of mushrooms that I can use for cooking or other purposes. In some areas, it is even possible to find psychedelic mushrooms. However, I generally advise you to not consume, whether for dinner or for a trip, any mushrooms that you find in the wild, as you can never be sure about the possible toxicity.

Instead, you can just grow your own mushrooms with Sirius Magic Mushroom Growkits! We sell a large array of different strains that all have different properties when it comes to their psychedelic effects. In just 2-3 weeks, you can harvest a lot of them (more than anyone needs for themselves) and you can even repeat that process a few times, thereby harvesting so many mushrooms that you always have a big stash.

Sirius offers two kinds of mushroom growkits, the Stealhboxes (Cambodian, B+, Mazatapec, Golden Teacher, McKennaii, Ecuador, Mexican, Hawaii+, Thai, Columbian) and the Magic Boxes (our own brand; Gold, Palenque, Equadorian). They are pretty much the same, but judging from a collection of customer experiences, I would recommend the Magic Box over the Stealthbox. If you want to learn just how to grow your own magic mushrooms step-by-step, check out the blog I wrote about it by clicking on the link.

Additionally, we recently added the PsiloQ-test, a product that allows you to test the psilocybin content and thereby the potency of your psychedelic mushrooms, truffles or extracts. If you’re interested, then check out this blog about how to use the PsiloQ test.    

Indoor Growing Equipment

grow tentled lightcannabis nutrition organic

The last thing I want to talk about in this blog is not a specific product, but rather a collection of them. Unfortunately, with the arrival of autumn and winter, the outdoor growing season has ended. Especially here in the Netherlands, were it gets dark and cold pretty quickly, it is not possible to cultivate any plants outside, especially not cannabis plants.

However, this marks the beginning of the indoor growing season! Indoor growing means that you cultivate your (cannabis) plants inside a tent with the help on an artificial light. If you want to start your indoor growing journey this year, then you should not hesitate to buy the necessary Equipment. Mainly you are going to need a growing tent, a good cultivating lamp and some nutrition for your soil.

Tents are available in different sizes, the one best suited for you mainly depends how much space you have at home and how big you want your cannabis plants to grow. Make sure to inform yourself well about the strain you plan to cultivate, so that it doesn’t outgrow your tent!

Regarding the lighting, there are two main can classes you can choose from: HPS lights, which are very cheap but take more electricity to function (meaning that your electric bill is going to be a bit more expensive), and LED lights, which are more expensive when you buy them but require less electricity (therefore you do not have any additional costs). Generally, I would always recommend LED over HPS lights, but everyone has their own preference.

However, another important factor is that HPS lights get very warm, which can cause a potential fire hazard; this is not the case with LED lights. All the nutrition that is sold at Sirius is completely organic, unlike chemical fertilizers it does not cause any harm to your plants and leads to the cultivation of 100% bio cannabis.

If you don’t know what to choose, I can really recommend the Biotabs starter kit, as it includes everything you need for 1-2 growing cycles with maximum 5 plants.  Additionally, we offer all kinds of additional equipment that may come in handy, for example the basic climate equipment set. If you want to read a detailed protocol of my own, most recent growing experience using Sirius products and Royal Queen Seeds cannabis seeds, you can read this blog: Cannabis Indoor Grow Report

I hope that with this blog I could give you a good overview of the kinds of products I recommend you can get for the colder season so that, until the next spring arrives, you all stay happy and healthy! If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact our customer service, we are always happy to help you!


Picture: Pieter Brueghel The Elder: Hunters in the Snow

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