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Advantages of growing cannabis for personal use
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In this blog item No more than five plantsAdvantages of growing cannabis for personal use

Advantages of growing cannabis for personal use

Although more and more people are discovering the benefits of cannabis, it is still banned in many countries. Sirius also opposes the large-scale cultivation of commercial unregulated cannabis. But cannabis is very versatile and gives a good contribution to human well-being. This is because the plant and humans contain cannabinoid.

Cannabis contains many different types of cannabinoid; scientists have so far been able to isolate about 150 and it is suspected that there are many more. When consuming cannabis, the ingested cannabinoid reacts with the receptors of our own cannabinoid system. The psychoactive cannabinoids such as THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol ) and THCP (tetrahydrocannabiphorol) give off a reaction which causes a change of perception. What actually happens with time when you are stoned? The senses work more intensely, appetite is aroused and it has a narcotic effect. THC is therefore a good painkiller. The non-psychoactive cannabinoids, such as CBD (Cannabidiol) and CBG (cannabigerol) have a calming and relaxing effect. One simply cannot ignore the fact that cannabis has a great influence on human well-being. In countries where medicinal cannabis is legal, more and more new facts come out of studies that confirm this. Growing your own cannabis is an enormous enrichment. To start with, this is already literal, because growing cannabis for one's own use saves a lot of money. If you appreciate cannabis, it is very fascinating to be able to follow and control the whole process from seed to smoke. It is literally in your hands.

Like humans, the plant is a living being and thrives best in peace, cleanliness, regularity and a pleasant environment. These factors sometimes go wrong with us humans because our environment, which we usually have no influence on, is sometimes not very pleasant. It has been proven that caring for someone else, in this case your cannabis plant, has a positive effect on humans. And it gives you back a bit of peace, cleanliness and regularity. The plant needs to grow, so try to find peace for that and do it with attention. Keep the space of your cannabis plant clean. Work with clean stuff. Clean up spilt soil and don't leave anything lying around in your grow space. A clean space is orderly and calming, it attracts less dirt and more importantly, you reduce the risk of vermin and fungi.  Therefore look at the plant regularly. Not only whether she needs water, but also take a good look at the plant itself. Inspect the stem and also check the underside of the leaves. Also take a good look at the walls and ceiling of your grow space if there is something there that doesn't belong there. Pests that feast on your cannabis plant, or fungi that cause irreparable damage to your plant, you don't want in your growroom. This way you can have one or two fixed moments in a day to take a moment's rest and put all your focus on growing. This is essentially meditating, which in turn has a positive influence on body and mind.

No more than five plants

Cannabis that you grow for your own consumption is forbidden by law in the Netherlands, but because of the tolerance policy up to five plants will not be prosecuted. It will then in most cases be limited to seizure. The ban is the problem, not the plant. I think it should be your right to grow cannabis for your own consumption. As long as you don't bother anyone else with that. And with no more than five plants you don't have to. So don't grow more than five plants! When growing outdoors you can put other plants such as lavender and catnip to mask the smell. Keep in mind that when grown outdoors in good conditions cannabis plants can grow up to 3 to 4 meters in size, especially when grown outdoors. And with a meter or 2 wide, the average Dutch garden will soon be full.  Buds, fimmen, scrogs and super-crops are techniques to keep the plants low so they don't catch the eye.  If you grow autoflowers outdoors, with a bit of timing you can grow several rounds of five plants in one summer. Autoflowers will flower automatically about a month after germination. An advantage is that you can let them bloom in July or August, when the sun is most present. That's why autoflowers don't grow that big, most of them will be one to one and a half meter in size. This makes them less conspicuous outdoors, but the yield will be slightly less. When you grow outdoors and choose quality over quantity, autoflowering is always good. Grow safely! For indoor growing we have a range of carbon filters to keep the smell of the plant inside the growroom. Also for grow tents and safe equipment in the field of lighting and climate you can visit our webshop or contact us for expert advice.

Advantages of growing cannabis for personal use

Growing your own cannabis has a therapeutic effect and is especially fun if you like to consume cannabis. Especially with the advantages it brings.

  • The costs. Growing your own cannabis costs about two euros per gram, depending on the electricity costs. You'll have earned back the investment of the equipment after the first harvest.
  • You know what you're consuming. The legal cannabis for sale is grown illegally. When grown illegally there is nothing to shy away from but generating as much yield as possible. This often involves the use of substances that pose a huge danger to public health.
  • You don’t contribute to crime. Unfortunately, large-scale illegal cannabis cultivation is increasingly in the hands of criminal organizations. By consuming the cannabis you've grown yourself, you don't help to financially support organized crime.
  • It’s discrete. So you don't have to go to the coffee shop where 5 grams is the maximum amount. Some cannabis consumers don't like to visit a coffeeshop simply because of the negative stigma attached to cannabis.
  • Trim. If you grow your own you'll always have smaller tops and small leaves left over, called trim. Trim is not the best to burn, but in a vaporizer it's nice to consume and you still benefit from the active ingredients.
  • Growing cannabis for your own use gives you more possibilities. Use your cannabis, or trim, to bake a spacecake, make your own hash and rosin or a full spectrum cannabis oil.
  • You grow your favorite variety. In a coffee shop you are always dependent on the menu. Grow for your own use, grow your own variety as well. Discover our seed collection here.

This way you can see that growing cannabis for your own consumption on a small scale is possible in several ways, whether you grow outdoors or indoors. Maybe it will fail the first time, but I believe that any adult person who likes to consume cannabis can also grow it for themselves. Take advantage of it!


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