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Having a hard time relaxing? Here are 8 tips to become zen
In this blog item
In this blog item Breathing exercises for a legal highRelax with a magnesium supplementTalk about itTake care of a petRelax before bed with L-theanineCannabis as an anti-stress remedyTake the best medicinal mushroom against stressGo outside and exerciseAre you often stressed?

Having a hard time relaxing? Here are 8 tips to become zen

Stress can take many forms. Maybe you implode when you are tense. Or maybe you cram a lot of cookies down your throat as a coping mechanism. Or you start being annoying with your housemates. Either way, experiencing stress is not fun. In this blog I will give you 8 tips to relax better. 

Breathing exercises for a legal high

Now I have some experience with getting high and I can tell you a thing or two about drugs. But did you know that you can also get incredibly high through breathing? If you do it the right way, it's possible to achieve a deep relaxation that approaches intoxication.

There are numerous techniques and methods. The exercise that works super well for me is simple and works as follows:

  1. Sit comfortably, for example on a pillow in a cross-legged position. Keep your back and head straight and relax your shoulders.
  2. Breathe air in through your mouth, as if you were sucking through a straw. Let yourself naturally fill with air and then breathe out through your nose. 
  3. Find your own rhythm in this and let this flow naturally. Just follow the impulses.

Sometimes I can do this for about twenty minutes without any problem. With my eyes closed, I enter a very calm space where my head is almost completely cleared. 

Relax with a magnesium supplement

If you have difficulty relaxing and often have cramped muscles, taking Metarelax is a good idea. This dietary supplement contains magnesium, a mineral that our bodies desperately need. People who experience a lot of tension and feel stressed will benefit extra from a supplement with magnesium. When you are under stress, more magnesium is used by your body to deal with this. Magnesium is also called the anti-stress mineral!

If you have a shortage of magnesium, you get tenste faster and you are more susceptible to stress. 

Magnesium is also found in certain foods including beans, green leafy vegetables, bananas and nuts. 


Talk about it

It can sometimes feel like the turmoil in your body and head is piling up and it seems like you've turned into a ticking time bomb. It's going to explode at some point! If you just keep swallowing your own feelings and things like tension, it is manageable to a certain extent. We all know that one family member or friend who burst apart at some point and then had to pick himself up piece by piece. 

To avoid similar situations, it may help to put words to your tension and talk about it with someone you trust. Whether this is a good friend, a psychologist or a virtual acquaintance. 

Tip: Make a nice cup of CBD tea and take some pressure off! 

Talking about it creates insight and above all makes you realize that you are not alone and that what you are experiencing is totally okay. 

Take care of a pet

Since a few weeks I have chickens wandering through the garden. Wonderful! They are incredibly funny animals that bring a lot of joy. And, of course, eggs. 

Although chickens are not animals that need a lot of attention from you, I am ready for them every day by providing them with their needs (a chicken doesn't need much) and of course by letting them out of their coop in the morning and putting them back on the coop in the evening. Whether you have chickens to care for, a kitten or a donkey, animals can all provide peace and relaxation. Nothing is more relaxing to me than sitting outside in the sunshine watching my chickies.  

Relax before bed with L-theanine

Did you know that tea contains a specific compound that is excellent as a sedative? It is found in black tea, but especially in green and white tea. To lower your stress levels, Proviform developed these capsules, which contain a concentrated extract of this substance. 

L-theanine affects the various neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine and serotonin. Its action makes you feel less stressed and anxious. An added benefit is that this dietary supplement does not make you tired. 


Cannabis as an anti-stress remedy

Sometimes it's just nice to sink into the relaxation of a high. Having a stressful day is not pleasant and at such times it can be comforting and calming to enjoy a tasty strain of cannabis.

Cannabis has been used as a powerful medicine by humans for a very long time. Long, long ago, cannabis was already used as a therapeutic agent to calm down, relax cramped muscles and reduce anxiety. 

Be careful though: are you overstressed and looking for a mechanism to deal with this tension? Then be extra careful and also look for other ways to deal with stress. It might be good for you to talk to a therapist, body coach or yoga teacher. This can be very beneficial. 

Choose a relaxing indica

While it's a misconception that sativas are always uplifting and indicas are always relaxing, the fact is that Barney's Farm has great relaxing indicas. 

Go for a Kush. This is a cannabis strain that has become hugely popular and, along with Haze, takes the crown in terms of commonly used strains. Kush is indica-dominant and often induces a deep relaxation that also has a strong analgesic effect. 

At Sirius you can choose Vanilla Kush for example, with a super relaxing and strong high. 

Or do you go for a CBD weed variety?

Sometimes it backfires: being stressed and stoned. People who are sensitive to this are better off choosing a CBD-rich strain with low THC levels. That way you get the effect of smoking a joint and this can already have a relaxing effect. However, you will not get stoned or high, but only enjoy the benefits of cannabidiol and the calming effects of the other cannabinoids and terpenes. 

Take the best medicinal mushroom against stress

The power of medicinal mushrooms is great and has been used by humans for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of diseases and conditions. One mushroom that ranks high when it comes to a natural sedative is the reishi mushroom.

Reishi is also known as the "king of mushrooms”. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this fungus is viewed as a powerful medicine that today is even used for serious diseases such as cancer. 

Why is reishi interesting for people who experience a lot of tension?

The reishi mushroom fortifies the overall strength of the body, which becomes more resilient to diseases. Furthermore, the mushroom is able to bring down stress levels, improve sleep patterns and beat fatigue. 

reishi mushroom Mushrooms4Life

Go outside and exercise

A trap I sometimes fall into myself: becoming petrified by stress and then trying to solve my problems in a cramped position. This is not how it works! Time and again, getting some fresh air, going for a long walk or taking a bicycle tour proves to be the best solution to instantly become calmer. Do you live in a city? Then try to stay as far away from busy places as possible and opt for a walk in the park or a quiet suburb. 

Why is it important to exercise enough and preferably sweat every day? First, physical activity helps your body get rid of excess stress levels. Also, exercising helps you sleep better. And one symptom of many people who struggle with stress is a lack of sleep. 

In addition to stress, feelings of anxiety and a negative self-image also decrease. So exercising works super well to improve your overall state of mind and body perception. 

Choose a form of exercise that suits you. This can be:

  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Running
  • Dancing
  • Yoga
  • Aikido
  • Fitness

The most important thing is that you enjoy doing it. If you don't like running, don't do it. Instead, put on your sturdy shoes and go for a long walk. What also works well is if you combine different forms of exercise with each other and thus have some form of variety each week. 

Are you often stressed?

If you find that you are often stressed and find it hard to relax, it's time to listen to your body and allow yourself some rest. Relaxation can be done in different ways and everyone needs something different. Fortunately, Mother Nature has created many opportunities for you to relax and enjoy the little things. 


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