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Why CBD Oil? 8 reasons to use CBD Products
In this blog item
In this blog item CBD: beneficial for humans and animalsThe history of CBD and the difference with THCHow does CBD work and what does it do to your body?What can you use CBD for? An overview1. Using CBD oil as a way to sleep better2. Using CBD oil as a natural medicine for anxiety3. CBD oil for animals: against stress, pain and anxiety4. CBD oil to relieve pain5. Use CBD oil to get rid of your addiction6. CBD oil and epilepsy7. Using CBD to treat diabetes8. CBD oil as an enhancement of sports performanceWhich CBD product do you choose?Order the best quality CBD oil online at Sirius Smartshop

Why CBD Oil? 8 reasons to use CBD Products

There are several reasons why people use CBD oil. Many customers of Sirius are not yet familiar with how it works. To provide them with more information about CBD, I am writing a blog about 8 different reasons to use CBD oil.  This way you can find out if CBD oil is something you need in your life.

CBD: beneficial for humans and animals

The substance CBD has been of interest to scientists and patients for quite some time now. The effects of CBD are diverse, people take it for all kinds of conditions.

The government and pharmaceutical industry are very cautious about anything to do with cannabis. Because of this, no claims can be made about cannabidiol.

Yet you will find plenty of stories on the internet of people who benefit from CBD. On humans as well as on animals CBD can have a beneficial effect. How does CBD work?

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The history of CBD and the difference with THC

Although CBD doesn't make you stoned or high, it certainly has an effect on your body. Unlike THC, CBD is not a psychedelic and does not give you the munchies. 

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is CBD's well-known sister and many marijuana users are looking for this substance because of its high. For medicinal users, the search in many cases is for cannabis with high CBD levels. 

If you don't want THC in your system then choose a CBD product. CBD is a natural and safe product from nature and can be found in the cannabis plant. CBD products contain a negligible amount of THC that doesn't influence you at all. For many users, this is important because with a CBD product, you can go about your day normally without any stoned or high effect. 

Did you know that CBD was first synthesized in a laboratory in 1940? It then took about 20 years for scientists to successfully isolate and name cannabidiol. The Israeli chemist Raphael Mechoulam was partly responsible for this. 

After that it took another whole period before people began to see the potential uses of CBD. In the meantime, CBD has become an indispensable part of natural herbal pharmacies, as well as the Sirius CBD Shop.

How does CBD work and what does it do to your body?

CBD is called a phytocannabinoid, this comes from phytos (plant) and cannabinoid. Namely, it is a cannabinoid that occurs naturally in the cannabis plant. In addition to CBD, there are as many as a hundred other phytocannabinoids present in cannabis, of which science still has a limited understanding.

The human body contains certain endocannabinoids. Endo (own) means that they are body's own cannabinoids. 

What can you use CBD for? An overview

CBD can be used for all kinds of physical and mental complaints. What are the characteristics of CBD oil?

  • CBD is a natural product from cannabis
  • CBD oil is legal
  • You can not get addicted to CBD
  • You do not get drowsy from CBD
  • CBD oil is available in different forms and percentages
  • CBD oil is suitable for children and for animals

Here are 8 reasons to use CBD

1. Using CBD oil as a way to sleep better

One of the most common reasons to use CBD is for addressing your sleep problem

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2. Using CBD oil as a natural medicine for anxiety

Many people struggle with some form of an anxiety problem. Unfortunately, this is a very difficult battle and even CBD is not a panacea that can make anxiety just disappear.

However, CBD can be a valuable tool to help you relax better and become less swept up in an anxious thought pattern. 

For mild anxiety problems, a lower CBD percentage is appropriate such as the full spectrum CBD oil of 2.75%. Do you suffer from anxiety and think you need a stronger dose of CBD? Then choose Jacob Hooy CBD oil 10%.

3. CBD oil for animals: against stress, pain and anxiety

Animals also have a sensitive system that can suffer from pain symptoms, fears and stress. Also on animals cannabinoids have an effect and can, like in humans, relieve pain and help with stress and anxiety. Many owners give their aging dog or cat CBD drops to help better manage pain symptoms and even a serious condition like cancer. 

4. CBD oil to relieve pain

Whether you have back pain or are experiencing side effects from chemotherapy, CBD oil can be used to relieve pain symptoms. CBD oil can help the body relax better and this reduces pain symptoms. Furthermore, CBD is also said to have anti-inflammatory properties. 

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5. Use CBD oil to get rid of your addiction

Are you done with your addiction? CBD oil can help you get your life more on track and let go of your addiction, no matter how difficult this can be. The mechanism of CBD on an addiction has not yet been fully scientifically investigated, but for many (former) addicts CBD oil is an important tool to get and stay healthy.

Whether you are addicted to cigarettes, alchohol or gambling, CBD oil can exert a profound effect on our entire system, thus balancing the addictive nature more and bringing the body more into homeostasis. 

6. CBD oil and epilepsy

CBD became known through an interview with a girl with epilepsy and the benefit she received from CBD oil to treat her condition. In the United States, the CBD-based drug is still used to treat epilepsy. The drug Epidiolex was approved by the FDA. 

7. Using CBD to treat diabetes

Diabetes, also known as diabetes, is a disease of affluence and is unfortunately common, even among young people. Not surprising either: sugar is everywhere and in many cases can seriously damage health. Also, you want to avoid it, it can be very difficult to cut down on your sugar consumption. Without paying attention you get so much more sugar than your body needs and this can result in obesity, bad teeth and therefore diabetes. 

In a study with mice it was shown that CBD can have a regulating effect on blood sugar levels. Since blood sugar levels in people with diabetes go through dangerous peaks and valleys, this is already promising. 

Cannabidiol is known to bring the body more into balance and to have a beneficial effect on the endocannabinoid system. This system is located all over our body and is connected by receptors. This key-and-lock process is closely related to cannabinoids from the cannabis plant, which fit perfectly on this system and can thus bring about homeostasis. 

8. CBD oil as an enhancement of sports performance

Are you an athlete and would like to take good care of your body? Sirius sells in its online CBD Shop not only different CBD oil and CBD capsules for the above applications, there is also a special range of CBD products for athletes. 

Jacob Hooy has released the Performance line with several CBD products that are perfect for people who exercise a lot. For example, there is the CBD Dragons Balm, CBD muscle balm for stiff muscles and joints. 

In the same line there is also CBD oil specially developed for people who use their muscles intensively, such as athletes, but also people who for their job have to move a lot, such as in the construction industry. 

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Which CBD product do you choose?

As you can read, CBD oil is suitable for all kinds of applications. Now it's choosing which CBD product appeals to you the most. Are you going for a low CBD percentage to try it out first? 

Or are you sure you want to go for a strong CBD oil, which might give immediate pain relief or relaxation on a deeper level?

Besides CBD oil, Sirius also sells other CBD products in its CBD shop. Order online easily and quickly CBD capsules of different strengths, but also CBD skin care products such as a CBD face mask, CBD skin oil and CBD foot cream.

Order the best quality CBD oil online at Sirius Smartshop

CBD oil comes in all shapes and sizes. At Sirius you are at the right place for a wide range of high quality CBD oil and lots of expertise and information available about all these different CBD products. 

In our online CBD shop you can order CBD oil quickly and it will be delivered to your home in no time. We send CBD products all over Europe. 


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