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Are you looking for a legal and/or natural alternative to common party drugs? BIONIX is a collection of natural smartdrugs that will give you plenty of energy, expand your mind, or just bring you in a good mood, depending on the formula.

All BIONIX varieties are based on the Patent Pending Bionix Phyto-Nutrient Blend, containing caffeine, synephrine from plant extracts, additional B-Vitamins and amino-acids. The synergistic effects of these ingredients boost the effect of this energizing blend. If you want to have a good time without having a terrible comedown or hangover, then BIONIX is the right brand for you. All Bionix products are legal and free from chemical additions.

Shop Bionix now in the Sirius online smartshop!

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Bionix Smartdrugs

Bionix is ​​​​​​​​a brand that originated from the Sirius Headquarters specializing in providing legal and natural alternatives to common party drugs such as ecstasy, speed or cocaine. In recent years, legal smart drugs such as Bionix have gained in popularity, as people start to understand that you do not need chemical substances to have fun. Mother nature offers a wide variety of psychoactive substances that are less toxic and don't induce side effects and hangovers.

By taking Bionix, you avoid the terrible ‘comedown’ that some people experience after an excessive night of drug-induced partying.
The Sirius online smartshop offers 7 different Bionix products that are all based on the Bionix Phyto-Nutrient Blend and contain an additional active ingredient that directs the effects in a certain direction.

The following part gives an overview about all Bionix products sold at

Our product range Exploring the Differences
Bionix Guru Power

Bionix Guru power is another natural stimulant , this time thanks to the addition of Cola-Nut. This natural source of caffeine has been included in the original recipe of coca-cola and is still used as a natural alternative to coffee today. Of course, you will also find pure Open Up cola nut products in our online smartshop.

Bionix Euphoric Power

Bionix Euphoric Power contains natural substances that will be metabolized to serotonin in your body. Thereby it increases your mood strongly and gives you euphoric feelings . Great for when you are experiencing stress or a lack of motivation! 

Bionix Brain Power

Bionix Brain Power is the perfect smartdrug for students as it contains precursors to neurotransmitters. These will help you to stay focused and perform at your best, even in periods of high stress! If you are interested in a natural smartdrug for studying, you should also check out our IQ plus supplement.

Bionix Love Power

Bionix Love Power is a powerful sexual stimulant , thanks to the Maca Root. This root has been used by ancient Peruvian Incas to increase sexual function, energy, and stamina. You can also buy pure Nutrikraft Maca Root products in our Healthshop.

Bionix Panax Power

Bionix Panax Power is a natural aphrodisiac that can be used as a sexual stimulant. The Asian Ginseng root, which is included here, has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries as it has several health improving properties. 

Bionix Cocao Power

Almost everyone knows that chocolate can make you happy. Additionally, research has shown that regular intake of dark chocolate can increase resilience to stress. That's why Bionix Cocao Power contains a high concentrated cocoa extract that makes you happy and feel good. 

Bionix Brazilian Power

Bionix Brazilian power contains guarana, which is a natural stimulant that gives you plenty of energy over a long period of time. Unlike caffeine, guarana does not induce the typical “caffeine crash” that is associated with drinking a lot of coffee. Sirius also offers pure Open Up Guarana if you are interested in this alkaloid.

Safer use and Harm reduction with Bionix and Sirius

It is not a secret that many (young) people experiment with drugs throughout their lives. While Sirius does not promote the use of any illicit and/or potentially harmful substances, we engage in safer use and harm reduction – one part of that is offering natural and (more) healthy alternatives to what is out there.

That's why we are proud to offer a wide assortment of legal smart drugs including our Bionix line.

If you have any questions about Bionix or smartdrugs in general, don’t hesitate to contact our customer service. If you prefer personal recommendations about Bionix products, visit one of our smartshops in Maastricht, Roermond or Venlo.

Questions about Bionix? Interested in Wholesale? Contact us! 

Bionix products are great natural alternatives to dangerous party drugs. If you still have any questions about Bionix or related products, then don’t hesitate to contact our customer service - we at Sirius are always happy to help you!

Are you interested in selling Bionix products in your own smartshop or headshop? Then go to our wholesale page to get in contact with us and receive special discounts on large-scale orders!

Bionix Brain Power & Bionix Euphoric Power & Bionix Love Power
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