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Green House Feeding BioGrow
Green House Feeding BioGrow

Organic food for plants in their vegetative phase. This formula in powder form contains minerals and organic nutrients. Formulated by Green House, with emphasis on simplicity and efficiency.

Vegetative growth: 3g per litre substrate.  Mother plants: 2-3g per litre of substrate every two months (as top layer)
125 or 500 grams
€ 7,25 Available from stock
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More about BioGrow

Green House formulated BioGrow, an all-in-one fertilizer in powder form, especially for the vegetative growth of all plants. The organic nutrients are slowly released after being broken down by micro-organisms in the soil.
These beneficial fungi and bacteria from BioGrow provide building blocks that form humus and improve microbial activity in the soil. 

This process depends on the status of the soil. These include humidity, temperature, pH values, microbial activity, organic matter content, etc.




You mix Bio Grow with soil, coco or similar substrates. You can add it the moment you transplant the plant, or add it later as a top layer. The nutrients are released constantly over a period of 8 weeks.  If the growth period of the plant is less than 8 weeks, or if the substrate is already pre-fertilized, reduce the doses. Young plants (2-3 weeks old) and seedlings need half the dosage.  If the growing period lasts longer, they need a second feeding session (only as a top layer).


Organic-Mineral fertiliser
NPK (Ca - Mg) 7 - 2 - 4 (5,7 - 2,4)

20% [C] Organic Carbon 
7% [N] total Nitrogen
7% [N] Organic Nitrogen
2% [P2O5] Phosphorus pentoxide soluble in water and neutral ammonium citrate
4% [KO2] Potassium oxide soluble in water
8% [CaO] Calcium oxide
4% [MgO] Magnesium oxide
9% [SO2] Sulfur trioxide
34% Organic matter from bone meal, malt germ, horn meal, feather meal, vinasses, rapeseed cake meal


All essential nutrients are provided by the natural-minerals  
and organic raw materials. 


BioGrow is suitable for biological agriculture.


You mix Bio Grow with soil, coco or similar substrates. You can add it the moment you transplant the plant, or add it later as a top layer. The nutrients are released constantly over a period of 8 weeks. 
If the growth period of the plant is less than 8 weeks, or if the substrate is already pre-fertilized, reduce the doses.
Young plants (2-3 weeks old) and seedlings need half the dosage. 
If the growing period lasts longer, they need a second feeding session (only as a top layer).



It is normal when mycelium from beneficial fungi appear on the substrate. This is not harmful to humans, animals or plants. 

Fungi have a very important function in the breakdown of organic matter such as simple sugars, amino acids etc. They break this down so that the plant can take it in.

Do not remove this mycelium! After several days it will disappear by itself.

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BioGrow € 7,25
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