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About Luna

Since very young Luna has had a fascination with different cultures and their relation to their environment. One of the aspects that has always fascinated them is how the use of different substances affect the development of cultures and their relationship with their environment. They love researching different psychoactive substances, the myths associated with them and the impact those have in the formation of certain cultural behaviors. They are interested in how psychoactive substances can help unlock or broaden the human sensorium and how this relates to holistic, all encompassing, worldviews and ways of being.

Their interests

But the relationship between psychoactives and humans is not their single interest. They also love exploring different life systems and relationships in general. They have a desire to understand the systems they are part of and to form deeper connections with all the elements that are part of it. It is because of this that they have started to learn more about permaculture and ecology. They developed a passion for all other life elements, including medicinal plants, fungi and their relationship with other life beings and their environment. They are mesmerized by the intimate, caring and nurturing relationship between these medicinal beings, humans and other lives and is determined to learn and experiment as much as possible with them.

Their education and passion

Luna has a degree in Science, with focus on neuroscience, molecular biology and programming, from the Maastricht University and a master in Phytotherapy (herbal medicine) from the University of Barcelona. They have also studied theatre and currently work on projects combining arts and sciences. They are passionate about psychedelic research and has been following the field for about 5 years. Luna believes that a world in which all life beings live in harmony is still possible and they think that the first step in that direction is to share knowledge about the different human-non-human relationships and the thousands of different cultures that already exist out there, each bringing different understandings of what is human, what is nature and what is life.

One of Luna’s favorite Sirius products is the Salvia Divinorum Extract. It was with Salvia Divinorum that Luna had their first groundbreaking psychedelic trip. They believe Salvia Divinorum to be a sacred plant with deep cultural and historical implications for the Mazatec people.

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