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About Gweedo

Gweedo is an expert on cannabis: growing, processing and applying cannabis. His mother has always had a great fascination for flowers and plants. His grandfather also had a large garden with vegetables, fruit, herbs and other crops. In this way he has gained years of knowledge about growing plants, cultivating the soil, biological nutrients, pesticides, etc. Like every young person, he had smoked a joint with some friends in the park in his younger years. He found it all very exciting and with the high amount of adrenaline that came with it, he didn't notice the effect of the cannabis.

The positive influence of cannabis

Only at a later age did he really sit down for it. Only then did he realize how positive it was for him and that it is less harmful to him than the legal stimulants that are freely available. Consuming cannabis reduced the severity and frequency of his migraines. More and more he came to realize that cannabis is more than just a drug. Despite being banned, he started growing cannabis for himself using the family's knowledge and know-how. This was more than 25 years ago now. During that time he experimented with different cultivation methods, such as growing on soil, on coco and with hydroponics.


In recent years he has engaged in activism against the ban of the plant. He is also a sympathizer of VOC Nederland, the Association for the Abolition of the Cannabis Ban. The plant is not the problem, but the ban. The aim is to inform politicians and citizens by spreading the truth about cannabis. But also by explaining how cannabis and cannabinoids can improve well-being and happiness and how cannabis can be consumed safely.

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